Sherry’s Shelves #162 is my weekly update from July 8 – July 14, 2018.
Sherry’s Shelves #162 is my weekly update from July 1 – July 7, 2018.
Hi Everyone. I hope you had a great weekend and have some wonderful plans for the upcoming week…filled with good books and lots of reading. If you are having great weather like us, when it isn’t raining, I hope you have a chance to get out and enjoy it.
This will be a short post, but I hope you find something you like.
Want to see more fun videos of the Blue Angels, golf…check out Fundimonium!!!!!!!!!!!!
LAST WEEK ON fundinmental
I have more planned, just don’t have them ready, so be sure and keep in touch.
Is there a book you just can’t live without, that you would like to recommend to all of us?
Sherry’s Shelves #161 is my weekly update from June 24 – June 30, 2018.
Hi Everyone. I hope you had a great weekend and have some wonderful plans for the upcoming week…filled with good books and lots of reading. If you are having great weather like us, when it isn’t raining, I hope you have a chance to get out and enjoy it.
This will be a short post, but I hope you find something you like.
LAST WEEK ON fundinmental
I have more planned, just don’t have them ready, so be sure and keep in touch.
Is there a book you just can’t live without, that you would like to recommend to all of us?
Sherry’s Shelves #160 is my weekly update from June 17 – June 23, 2018.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. This was a great week. I am getting back in the swing of things after being laid up and it feels great. I spent a couple of hours cleaning the pool (and enjoying it, of course). It is now sparkly clean and the flamingo is enjoying it.
Mr Wonderful started the day off with photos of the sunrise, while I lay sleeping. LOL I played some golf and toured the OKeefe Museum in Bilox, Mississippi, where The Blue Dog was being showcased. Picked up some fireworks on the way home.
We have had a visitor, Mr Toad, who seems to like nestling down in the damp soil of this Amyrillis plant. I was going to transplant it, but I will have to wait until he moves on. I like looking out the slider and seeing him hunkered down, hanging out and loving life. The photo isn’t that great, but I didn’t want to disturb him, so I shot it through the slider and screen. If he saw me, he didn’t seem to care.
Be sure and check for the “0”
NEW TO fundinmental
LAST WEEK ON fundinmental
I have more planned, just don’t have them ready, so be sure and keep in touch.
Is there a book you just can’t live without, that you would like to recommend to all of us?
Sherry’s Shelves #158 is my weekly update from June 3 – June 9, 2018.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I have had another busy week on the personal front, but have gotten back into reading. Now I just need to write some reviews. I will be working on that this week. Mr Wonderful brought home some goodies for my birthday, so let’s celebrate. Cake for everyone.
FREE BOOKS (Check for the “0”)
NEW TO fundinmental
LAST WEEK ON fundinmental
Is there a book you just can’t live without that you would like to recommend to all of us?