Giveaway & Review – River Of Ashes by Alexandrea Weis & Lucas Astor @partnersincr1me

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River of Ashes

by Alexandrea Weis & Lucas Astor

August 1-31, 2022 Virtual Book Tour



First off, I love the cover. It makes me think fantasy, but I guess psychopaths hide behind a mask of their own making, so it fits the story. I love psychological thrillers and find psychopaths fascinating. Because of the very effective blurb, a sense of menace lingers on every page and I am waiting and eager for the bad to begin.

River of Ashes by Alexandrea Weis & Lucas Astor is told from the psychopath’s point of view, at least some of the time. Oh yeah. I love seeing the world through his twisted eyes.

Beau is rich, a psychopath and he wants Leslie, though, for the moment, he’s settled for her sister, Dawn, while Leslie find Derek perfect and wants nothing to do with the ‘off’ Beau. Her intuition is spot on.

Beau hides his anger. His motto: Never lose control. One slip…Once the genie is out of the bottle…All his life, his dad had told him, “Don’t let them see who you really are.”

WOW. So much heartache and evil, twists and turns. I love books that get my emotions bubbling, gripping me, making me read until the wee hours of the morning, having to know…I couldn’t stop.

I always try and figure things out, but it didn’t happen here. I was surprised at the very end and that rarely happens. I can hardly wait to see what’s in store for Book II, River Of Wrath, and I plan to be around for it.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of River Of Ashes by Alexandrea Weiss & Lucas Astor.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars

*Apple’s Most Anticipated Books for Summer in Mysteries & Thrillers*


Along the banks of the Bogue Falaya River, sits the abandoned St. Francis Seminary. Beneath a canopy of oaks, blocked from prying eyes, the teens of St. Benedict High gather here on Fridays. The rest of the week belongs to school and family—but weekends belong to the river. And the river belongs to Beau Devereaux. The only child of a powerful family, Beau can do no wrong. Star quarterback. Handsome. Charming. The “prince” of St. Benedict is the ultimate catch. He is also a psychopath.

A dirty family secret buried for years, Beau’s evil grows unchecked. In the shadows of the haunted abbey, he commits unspeakable acts on his victims and ensures their silence with threats and intimidation. Senior year, Beau sets his sights on his girlfriend’s headstrong twin sister, Leslie, who hates him. Everything he wants but cannot have, she will be his ultimate prize. As the victim toll mounts, it becomes clear that someone must stop Beau Devereaux. And that someone will pay with their life.

River of Ashes is a Southern Gothic, Psychological Thriller inspired by true events in the vein of V.C. Andrews with elements of Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn and You by Caroline Kepnes. River of Ashes addresses social issues including sexual violence and bullying.

Praise for River of Ashes:

River of Ashes offers an inside look into the mind of a psychopath—a cautionary tale that the scariest monsters are the ones you know but never suspect.”

Pearry Teo, PhD; Award-Winning Director of The Assent, Executive Producer of Cloud Atlas

“A psychological portrait akin to Lord of the Flies.”

Midwest Book Review

“If Gillian Flynn and Bret Easton Ellis had a book baby, it would be River of Ashes.”


Book Details:

Genre: Southern Gothic / Psychological Thriller / Coming-of-Age
Published by: Vesuvian Books
Publication Date: August 2nd 2022
Number of Pages: 284
ISBN: 1645480984 (ISBN13: 9781645480983)
Series: St. Benedict #1
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads | IndieBound

Read an excerpt:

Leslie turned off Main Street and headed along the single-lane road. The storefronts gave way to homes with colorful gardens and oaks draped with tendrils of Spanish moss. Then the houses grew sparse and disappeared as greenery hugged the side of the road. Leslie slowed to avoid a pothole and heard the rush of the Bogue Falaya River through the open windows.

The trees thinned, revealing the two stone spires of The Abbey. Apprehension snaked through her as she pictured Beau, her sister, and all the unsettling things she associated with the derelict church.

A wall of dense red buckeye bushes swaying in the breeze shrouded the road. Leslie drove through an opening someone carved out long ago. A cleared lot lay hidden beyond the dense hedge, surrounded by thick pines and oaks, with paths leading down a steep embankment to the river’s edge.

Leslie got out of the car, listening to the sweet refrain of birds in the trees. “No one’s here today.”

“It’s still too early. Everybody from school likes to come after dark.” Derek led her to a pine-straw-covered path and to the shore of the rushing river.

Something moved in the dense underbrush. Leslie walked ahead, trying to get a better look. “What’s that?”

She crossed several broken branches until she stumbled on something nestled in the foliage. The stench of rotting flesh hit her nose. She gagged and slowed to a stop.

“Wait, be careful.” Derek swept aside a few leafy twigs to get a better look.

Flies covered the bloated belly of a white-tailed deer. Deep grooves slashed into what remained of the deer’s neck. The poor animal’s hindquarters appeared torn away.

Leslie crept closer. “What could do such a thing?”

Derek took her hand and backed out of the brush. “I bet it was the wild dogs.”

Leslie let him lead her away from the stench. “What wild dogs?”

He stopped outside of the brush. “They’re around here. A couple of weeks ago, Mom said some hunters came in the diner and reported seeing them.”

“Where did they come from?” Leslie’s voice shook.

Derek guided her to a path curving down a long slope. The roar of the river grew louder.

“There are lots of stories. I heard they were left behind when the monks abandoned the place. Legend has it that when they appear, death is near.”

A shudder ran through her.

Derek tugged Leslie’s hand. “Come on.”

The path widened, and a beach came into view. The outcropping of white sand had a collection of green picnic tables, red barrel trash cans, and fire pits along the river’s edge. Around the beach, thick brush covered the shore with limbs from pine trees dipping into the water. The sun sparkled on the gentle waves.

Leslie followed him along the shoreline until they came to a rusted iron gate with a No Trespassing sign secured to it. The sign, decorated with crosses and swirls, marked the entrance to The Abbey grounds. Stepping through the open gate, she peered up at the imposing structure.

Two spires of white limestone, shaped like the tip of a sword, cut into the blue sky. A structure of red brick and limestone, the front windows and doors secured with loose scraps of plywood, sat in the middle of a field of high grass. The squat stone building of cloisters behind The Abbey remained intact. The Benedictine monks, who had run the seminary and were responsible for the preparation of future priests, demolished the dormitories, refectory, and library after they abandoned the site. The rest remained because, in the South, it was considered bad luck to tear down churches.

“Some place, huh?” Derek let go of her hand and ventured across the high grass.

A wave of panic shot through Leslie.

The grounds, unkempt after years of neglect, were a hodgepodge of weeds, overgrown trees, and vines.

Why would people come here at night?

“You ever wonder why those monks just up and left?” Leslie was uncomfortable with the eerie quiet. Even the birds had stopped singing. “Everyone says they got a better offer from the seminary in New Orleans, but it seems funny a bunch of people abandoned the place for no reason.”

Derek parted a thick pile of tall grass with his shoe. “My mom told me it was falling apart when she was a kid, and the Archdiocese didn’t have the money to fix it. So, they packed up the school and sent the monks and all the staff to New Orleans.”

“I read once that the structure dates back to the early 1800s, when the Devereaux family built it as a private church.” Leslie eyed the empty belfry atop one of the square-shaped towers. “You’d think they’d want to save it.”

Derek nudged her with his elbow. “Maybe the ghost drove them away.”

Beau’s tale had been in the back of her mind the whole time, but Derek’s comment spooked the crap out of her. “By ghost, do you mean the lady in white?”

“Yep.” He scanned the land around them. “They say she appears when the moon is full or during storms.”

The thought of being alone in such a disturbing place terrified her. “Have you ever seen the ghost?”

Derek searched the thick foliage ahead of them. “Nah. I’ve never seen anything.”

Granite steps appeared as they drew near the entrance.

Leslie kicked herself for letting him talk her into coming to this place. “What about the wild dogs? Have you seen them around The Abbey?”

“Not to worry, love, I’ll protect you from ghosts, wild dogs, and Beau Devereaux.” He climbed the steps, encouraging her to join him. “But I have to draw the line at your mother. There’s no way I’m taking her on in a fight.”

On the porch, beneath the cracked and chipped stone arch above the doors, she waited while Derek wrestled with the plywood covering the entrance. Despite the creep factor, the lush green trees surrounding them had a soothing effect. Leslie breathed in the fresh pine scent and mossy aroma of the tall grass. Then a fly zipped past her face.


She turned and discovered Derek had pushed a large piece of plywood securing the door out of the way, leaving a nice-sized gap to crawl through.

“How did you do that?”

Derek held the plywood to the side for her. “The loose boards have been rigged to open easily.”

Leslie dipped her head and looked through the doorway. “You sure it’s safe?”

“I wouldn’t bring you here if it wasn’t, love.”

His smile won over her fears.

Once inside, it took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Pinpoints of light shone on a floor covered with clumps of debris. In the roof, thousands of holes, some big and some small, littered the space between the bare beams where parts of plaster had fallen away. Birds’ nests of light-colored hay and twigs nestled against blackish beams and shadowy eaves, creating a patchwork design on the ceiling. It reminded Leslie of the quilt her grandmother had made for her as a child.

Derek appeared, shining a beam of light on the floor.

She pointed at the flashlight. “Where did you get that?”

“Me and the guys have been here a few times. We’ve stashed stuff around the place. We even have sleeping bags and water bottles socked away.”

Here she was a nervous wreck while his friends had turned it into their personal campground. Leslie’s skin crawled at the idea of spending the night in such a place. “I don’t know why you guys come here.”

He took her hand, and the beam bounced on the dusty floor. “I don’t get why you’re so freaked out. It’s just an old building. There’s nothing sinister about it.”

Beau’s words about taking her to The Abbey sent a shiver down her spine. Any girl would be at his mercy in such a place. She questioned her sister’s choices, knowing she’d been there with Beau.

Derek swung the light across the floor, shining it on dozens of rotted pews, leaves, twigs, crumbled plaster pieces from the ceiling, and skeletons of dead birds. “Lots of animals use this place as shelter. I’ve seen possums, raccoons, deer, and once, I swear I saw a black leopard running out the back.”

Leslie became even more uneasy about being in the building. “You wouldn’t happen to have a shotgun in your stash.”

“The animals don’t bother me, just the people.”

Their footfalls echoed through the vast structure as they ventured farther. Leslie kept expecting someone or something to jump out from the shadows. Her only distraction was the intricate carvings atop the arches and the paintings on the walls. Men and angels exchanged timid glances as rays of light from parting clouds shined down.

Paintings of Noah and the flood, Adam and Eve, and other Genesis stories were barely visible on the white plaster covering the arches along the central aisle. In one spot, where the roof remained intact, she could make out the image of Moses holding the Ten Commandments. His eyes stood out the most. It was like they carried the burning wrath of God.

Shivering, Leslie looked ahead to a white archway marking the entrance to the altar. The gleam of the limestone appeared pristine. She got closer to the most sacred part of the old church, and her sense of dread rose. She spun around to face the scattered, rotting pews behind them.

“What is it?” Derek asked, taking her hand.

His voice rattled inside the hollows of the church, adding to her anxiety. They stood under the circular dome where the altar had once been, and then a low growl came from a shadowy corner.

The air left her lungs. Her senses heightened. Seconds ticked by while she listened for other sounds. “Tell me you heard that.”

Derek raised his finger to his lips and nodded to a door on his left.


Excerpt from River of Ashes by Alexandrea Weis & Lucas Astor. Copyright 2022 by Alexandrea Weis & Lucas Astor. Reproduced with permission from Vesuvian Books. All rights reserved.



Meet Our Authors:

Alexandrea Weis

Alexandrea Weis

Alexandrea Weis, RN-CS, PhD, is an IPPY Award-Winning author, advanced practice registered nurse, and wildlife rehabber who was born and raised in the French Quarter. She has taught at major universities and worked with victims of sexual assault, abuse, and mental illness in a clinical setting at many New Orleans area hospitals. She is a member of the International Thriller Writers Organization and Horror Writers Association. The Strand Magazine said, “Alexandrea Weis is one of the most talented authors around, and in a short time her novels are destined to stand along with authors such as Stephen King, Gillian Flynn, Joyce Carol Oates, and Jeffery Deaver.”

Catch Up With Alexandrea Weis:
BookBub – @AlexandreaWeis
Instagram – @AlexandreaWeis
Twitter – @AlexandreaWeis
Facebook – @AuthorAlexandreaWeis


Lucas Astor

Author Lucas Astor is an award-winning author and poet with a penchant for telling stories that delve into the dark side of the human psyche. He likes to explore the evil that exists, not just in the world, but next door behind a smiling face. Astor currently lives outside of Nashville, TN.

Catch Up With Lucas Astor:
Instagram – @lucasastorauthor



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This is a giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Tours for Alexandrea Weis & Lucas Astor. See the widget for entry terms and conditions. Void where prohibited.



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Tag Team Giveaway & Review – The Ice Bridge by Kathryn Meyer Griffith @KathrynG64

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Welcome to the Tag Team Tag Team Event & Giveaway!

This is where myself (Sherry at fundinmental) and Laura at fuonlyknew tag team authors and their books. We share our reviews and giveaways, giving you two perspsectives of the book and two chances to win!


The events in The Ice Bridge by Kathryn Meyer Griffith take place on Mackinac Island, and since I am originally a Michigander and I am very familiar with the place. It was just one more reason that I was drawn to The Ice Bridge.

Now…Kathryn Meyer Griffith has something to share about the book. Welcome, Kathryn…

The Writing of THE ICE BRIDGE

By Kathryn Meyer Griffith

In 2003 my husband, Russell, and I were celebrating our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary and decided to return to quaint Mackinac Island in Michigan. We’d been there a few years before, but just for a quick afternoon stopover on our way home from visiting family in Wisconsin. We’d loved the Island for the few hours we’d been on it and promised ourselves we’d go there again someday. So when we began to plan for our anniversary vacation we traveled back for a longer stay of six days. I’d made reservations months ahead at the Iroquois Hotel on the water’s edge of Lake Huron and when the time came, after packing up everything we’d need, we jumped in the car and took off.

The Island doesn’t allow cars, only bicycles, horses and snowmobiles (in the winter) so we left our vehicle in a Mackinaw City parking lot on the mainland and boarded the ferry that would take us across the water to the Island, our luggage and two bicycles in tow. It was much cheaper to bring our own bikes instead of rent them there.

It was late August and the Island was beautiful. Crowded with colorful, fragrant flowers, clomping horses, whizzing bicycles and, of course, lots of tourists. Fudgies as they were called because they came, purchased and devoured so much of the little town’s fudge.

The Iroquois Hotel was lovely with its bright pastel colors and friendly service; a fancy in-house restaurant and our room with its wall of windows facing the lake. A lake that to me was as large as an ocean…because it went on forever.

Our six days there were heaven. We rode our bikes, peddling around the horses, carriages, and equine taxis, around the eight-mile in circumference island and enjoyed the sights. The friendly people. The breathtaking views of water, boats and woods. The fudge. We sped along West Bluff Road to the ritzy Grand Hotel (made famous in the 1980 romantic time travel movie Somewhere in Time with Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeve), ate the scrumptious and lavish tourists’ brunch there and afterwards, so full we could barely ride our bicycles, we gawked at the magnificent Victorian mansions with their elaborate gardens lining Lake Shore Drive.

We visited Fort Mackinac and listened amusedly to people talk about the ghost soldier some had reported seeing when twilight began to fall. My husband, a photography buff, even slipped out of our hotel room in the middle of one foggy night to get artsy pictures with our new digital camera of the fort, hoping to catch the ghost. He captured no ghost, but plenty of stunning photographs.

One night we even sat, spellbound, as a Lake Huron thunderstorm pounded wildly at our wall of windows. It was as if we were gazing at a tumultuous ocean.

Then one day someone, in a cubbyhole of a local hamburger joint, over our lunch, said something about the ice bridge, as the islanders called it. During the dead of winter, when the straits froze over, it was a narrow path that stretched about four miles across the ice that separated Mackinac Island from the St. Ignace mainland. The locals would drive in old Christmas trees along the path to show the way, to show it was now safe. To them the ice bridge meant freedom to come and go for up to two months a year without paying ferryboat or airplane fees. To me it sparked an idea for my next book…what if someone crossed the ice bridge one wintry night and fell through the ice? And disappeared…maybe even died?

I started asking questions of the locals: Had someone ever fallen through the ice and perished? Turns out over the years, that yes, some people actually had. Fallen in. When the ice wasn’t firm enough. Or when they’d gone off the solid marked path. Or in a snowstorm. Some on snowmobiles. Some were saved, dragged out, and some had not been. Hmmm.

That’s all it took for the book to begin forming in my head. The rest of the trip I looked at the Island with different eyes. A writer’s eyes. Writer’s ears. I filed away the memories and the home-grown stories recounted to me. Though most of my earlier books were romantic horror, I’d written a couple of straight contemporary murder mysteries, Scraps of Paper and All Things Slip Away, a few years before and Avalon Books had published them. I’d quite enjoyed writing them.

So I thought I’d write another one with Mackinac Island and its real and fictional ghost tales as the background. I’d show the beauty of the island, changing of the seasons, what it was like in summer, fall and winter (tons of snow and ice), and describe the historical landmarks. I’d spotlight the quirky close-knit inhabitants and have the protagonist gather their imaginary spirit stories to put into the ghost book she was writing. I’d make the Island nearly a main character itself with its enigmas, water, snow, ice and fog.

The novel would be about a woman, Charlotte, jilted in love, coming back to heal and visit her poignant childhood playground, and her lonely Aunt Bess. She’d meet an Island cop, Matt, and together they’d not only fall in love but would embark on a great dangerous adventure together. There’d be a spunky old lady, Hannah, living next door and the four would be great friends. Until the old lady disappears on a winter’s night while crossing the ice bridge and the mystery would begin. Had Hannah been murdered by someone….how exactly…by whom…and why? The remainder of the book would be the unraveling of that mystery as the central characters try to keep from being killed themselves by the devious murderer behind Hannah’s death. I’d embed the Island’s so-called ghost tales throughout the book to spice up the story even more. So it’d be a romantic ghostly murder mystery. Ah, ha. I couldn’t wait to begin.

When my husband and I returned home, refreshed and happy, I started it right away, with the memories of lovely Mackinac still fresh in my mind. Gosh, how I’d loved that Island. A tiny piece of old-fashioned paradise. The book came easily to me. And so The Ice Bridge was born. Now with a stunning new cover by Dawne Dominique and self-published for the first time along with my other 21 novels (going back to my 1985 The Heart of the Rose), in eBook, paperback and Audible audio book, it’s out in the world again for everyone to read and, I hope, enjoy.

Written this first day of December 2015 by the author Kathryn Meyer Griffith

.Ice Bridge, TheI orginally posted the cover above, the old cover, so I thought I better share the new cover with you. I love the eeriness of the old one. How about you? Which do you like best?


Amazon / Goodreads


The Ice Bridge by Kathryn Meyer Griffith is a paranormal suspense thriller that captured me from the opening pages. Kathryn’s ability to spin a tale, writing about realistic characters with a familiar location, Mackinac Island, makes this especially desirable for me.

During the winter, an Ice Bridge forms, allowing the islanders, and anyone else, to more easily navigate to and fro. It made me think of the Ice Road Truckers, who deliver goods to out of the way places that would not have the supplies without the Ice Road. Mackinac Island has a tight knit community and they become even more so in the winter.

Charlotte has come back to Mackinac Island and her Aunt Bess, bringing with her a broken heart. They are both hurting and so much alike, living together may help heal the wounds. Charlotte is an independent woman and doesn’t want to get involved again, but…

Along comes police Lieutenant Mac, a kind man that would make a great catch and has a sad story of his own. I like some romance with my thrills, so I am glad to meet him.

Hannah, who goes missing, has a special talent. They call her The Ghost Lady and she makes me think of Melinda on The Ghost Whisperer. I love that Kathryn Meyer Griffith mixes a mystery with the paranormal giving the story that something extra that I crave.

We definitely have a mystery, but I am drawn into the characters worlds and their life struggles. I am very concerned for their welfare, knowing Kathryn Meyer Griffith has a habit of killing off some of her characters. The writing details their misfortunes, leaving me wanting good things for them, not the bad that keeps coming. I like characters who are flawed and damaged. I want to see them made whole again.

The detailed descriptions of the surroundings bring back fond memories of my visits to Mackinac Island and make it easy to image the isolation, the lack of people and cars, the silence so deep you can hear the snow fall. I want to be there, minus the murder.

There is more going on than broken hearts and murder, and the suspense rises as the killer gets closer and will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

I know the writing is excellent, when I already have the story figured out, but I can’t put the book down anyway.

I received a copy of The Ice Bridge from Kathryn Meyer Griffith in return for an honest review.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos 5 Stars

AMAZON BLURB: She’ll fall in love again…with a man and the island. Charlotte returns to her Aunt Bess and Mackinac Island, a quaint retreat that welcomes summer tourists and allows no cars, to renew herself and write about the island’s ghosts.
She’s come to help Bess with her heartache, an ended love with Shaun, and to renew a friendship with neighbor Hannah.
In winter Mackinac closes down and everyone looks forward to the ice bridge that freezes across the Straits of Mackinac.
Until Hannah disappears into the icy waters crossing it.
Everyone says it’s an accident. But Charlotte and her admirer cop friend, Mac, don’t think so. Something isn’t right. Hannah was too smart to go off the path.
So it’s murder…but why…how…by whom?
In the end, it’s Mac–and perhaps Hannah’s ghost–who saves Charlotte and Bess’s lives when the killer decides they’re too close to the truth and tries to kill them, too.



100_8628Since childhood I’ve been an artist and worked as a graphic designer in the corporate world and for newspapers for twenty-three years before I quit to write full time. But I’d already begun writing novels at 21, over forty-four years ago now, and have had twenty-two (ten romantic horror, two horror novels, two romantic SF horror, one romantic suspense, one romantic time travel, one historical romance, two thrillers, and four murder mysteries) previous novels, two novellas and twelve short stories published from Zebra Books, Leisure Books, Avalon Books, The Wild Rose Press, Damnation Books/Eternal Press; and I’ve self-published my last ten novels with Amazon Kindle Direct and my Dinosaur Lake novels and Spookie Town Mysteries (Scraps of Paper, All Things Slip Away and Ghosts Beneath Us) are my best-sellers.

I’ve been married to Russell for thirty-seven years; have a son and two grandchildren and I live in a small quaint town in Illinois, which is right across the JB Bridge from St. Louis, Mo. We have a quirky cat, Sasha, and the three of us live happily in an old house in the heart of town. Though I’ve been an artist, and a folk/classic rock singer in my youth with my brother Jim, writing has always been my greatest passion, my butterfly stage, and I’ll probably write stories until the day I die…or until my memory goes.

2012 EPIC EBOOK AWARDS *Finalist* for her horror novel The Last Vampire ~ 2014 EPIC EBOOK AWARDS * Finalist * for her thriller novel Dinosaur Lake.

*All Kathryn Meyer Griffith’s books can be found here:

*All her audio books here:

Novels and short stories from Kathryn Meyer Griffith:

Evil Stalks the Night, The Heart of the Rose, Blood Forged, Vampire Blood, The Last Vampire (2012 EPIC EBOOK AWARDS*Finalist* in their Horror category), Witches, The Nameless One erotic horror short story, The Calling, Scraps of Paper (The First Spookie Town Murder Mystery), All Things Slip Away (The Second Spookie Town Murder Mystery), Ghosts Beneath Us (The Third Spookie Town Murder Mystery), Egyptian Heart, Winter’s Journey, The Ice Bridge, Don’t Look Back, Agnes, A Time of Demons and Angels, The Woman in Crimson, Human No Longer, Four Spooky Short Stories Collection, Forever and Always Romantic Novella, Night Carnival Short Story, Dinosaur Lake (2014 EPIC EBOOK AWARDS*Finalist* in their Thriller/Adventure category), Dinosaur Lake II: Dinosaurs Arising and Dinosaur Lake III: Infestation

Her Websites:

Twitter / My Blog / Facebook / AuthorsDen / Goodreads / Gravatar / Amazon


Kathryn is offering three (3) prizes. Winners will have their choice: an ebook or  FREE Audible Audio Book code.

To be entered, leave your email and whether you want an ebook or audiobook, so we can contact you if you are a winner and answer the question:
I used to be terrified crossing the Mackinac Bridge. What are you afraid of?
For another chance to win, hop over to fuonlyknew.
Giveaway will run from 9.29.16 – 10.12.16

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Teaser Tuesday #74 – Jezebel by Gordon A Kessler @gordonkessler



Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of booksandabeat.

Anyone can play along! Just do the following: Grab your current read. Open to a random page. Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!


Jezebel by Gordon A Kessler

I love dogs and when I saw this cover I knew I had to have it.

I bought this some time ago, but am just getting around to reading it.

Nice doggy…12193178Goodreads  /  Amazon


Something crashed against the boards. Tricia’s eyes widened. She froze, too scared to move. An arm, covered in streams of red, flung over the top of the fence, directly in front of her. A face appeared, also bloody – Jimmy Lawrence’s face.

(page 153 in hardcover)

Jezebel may have you thinking twice as you crawl in bed with your dog at your feet.

GOODREADS BLURB:  Sleep lightly tonight…

A madman has come to town seeking a diabolical revenge and large dogs begin attacking their masters for no apparent reason and with heinous results.

Animal Control Director Tony Parker must find out why and stop the murderous attacks. Meanwhile, Jezebel, a huge black Great Dane has killed her master and is loose, terrorizing the city and stalking Parker and his family. Parker and Sarah Hill, his beautiful and seductive young assistant, attempt to unravel the mystery and stop the terrible carnage while dealing with their own demons and lusty desires.

The attacks must be stopped. Jezebel must be found-and soon, you see–there is one other complication. Parker seems to have come down with an annoying little virus. No, it’s not one of those irritating summer colds. It’s certain death.

She’s a murderess, huge and black as a hell-bound night.

Beware. Jezebel is on the loose!


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Review for MUST READ – Ashley Bell by Dean Koontz @deankoontz

Dean Koontz is a MUST READ author for me, so I jumped all over Ashley Bell.

I mean…just check out this awesome cover.


Goodreads  /  Amazon


I own many, many books by Dean Koontz and I will never pass up the opportunity to read another one. I was super excited to get my hands on Ashley Bell.

Bibi was like a magpie, secreting things she wanted to forget about. She is an optimist and greets each sunrise with the promise of good things. She is a writer and lives life to the fullest. I love Bibi. She plans, or should I attacks, life with a plan, optimism and a step by step process to achieve her goals. I am awed by this character and am so emotionally involved, I can feel myself beginning to roll up the incline of one hell of a rollercoaster ride.

I don’t know if I could handle her adventurous and fun loving parents. 🙂

Her motto could be, Don’t Worry, Be Happy.

Dean Koontz has an ability to describe scenes and characters filled with so much detail, they come to life on the pages. He switches from the past to the present smoothly. My emotions are fully engaged and I am compelled to read on…faster and faster…not wanting to reach the end, but having to know…now…what will happen.

There is astragalomancy, ceromancers, hedomancy, necromancers, but I had definitely never heard of scrabblemancy.

Her fiance, Paxton, is a navy SEAL on a covert mission.

I feel suspense and anticipation for what is to come for Bibi, but even more so for Paxton. I feel Dean has something horrific planned for him and have my fingers crossed that I am wrong, but Paxton has his own horror story to tell.

I was wondering when I would meet Ashley Bell. I sure didn’t see it happening this way.

Terrorist, slaughterers, the worst dregs of mankind.

The supernatural seems to be second nature to Dean Koontz and so far this seems so real I am easily captured and taken so deep I do not want to come to the surface.

One of my favorite stories by Dean Koontz is Breathless and it looks like Ashley Bell is right up there with it.

I grieved and felt like weeping with Bibi. I loved her strong demeanor, her inability to turn away from a challenge because of fear. Knowledge was her answer. Free will…She believed she could shape and mold her life, overcoming…well…anything.

I got kind of comfy thinking I knew what Dean Koontz was going to do and where we were going. Yeah…right. I love when I am set up and he did it in spades.

The pacing is steady, the suspense building. The action is intermittent and explosive. I hold my breath, my throat tight, letting it out in a burst of…relief? Then the slow steady build again, making me feel wrung out, drained. How many times will I have to go through this. Then…Dean Koontz BLOWS MY MIND. I was led like a horse to water and I drank, completely taken in by his subterfuge.

Fanfrickingtastic. I am blown away and loving it. An amazing novel of imagination, belief, hope and love.

I received an ARC of Ashley Bell from Dean Koontz and Netgalley in return for an honest review.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  5 Stars

GOODREADS BLURB:  THE MUST-READ THRILLER OF THE YEAR: Featuring the most exhilarating heroine in memory and a sophisticated, endlessly ingenious, brilliantly paced narrative through dark territory and deep mystery, this is a new milestone in literary suspense and a major new breakout book from the long acclaimed master.

At twenty-two, Bibi Blair’s doctors tell her that she’s dying. Two days later, she’s impossibly cured. Fierce, funny, dauntless, she becomes obsessed with the idea that she was spared because she is meant to save someone else. Someone named Ashley Bell. This proves to be a dangerous idea. Searching for Ashley Bell, ricocheting through a southern California landscape that proves strange and malevolent in the extreme, Bibi is plunged into a world of crime and conspiracy, following a trail of mysteries that become more sinister and tangled with every twisting turn.

Unprecedented in scope, infinite in heart, Ashley Bell is a magnificent achievement that will capture lovers of dark psychological suspense, literary thrillers, and modern classics of mystery and adventure. Beautifully written, at once lyrical and as fast as a bullet, here is the most irresistible novel of the decade.


Acknowledged as “America’s most popular suspense novelist” (Rolling Stone) and as one of today’s most celebrated and successful writers, Dean Ray Koontz has earned the devotion of millions of readers around the world and the praise of critics everywhere for tales of character, mystery, and adventure that strike to the core of what it means to be human.

Dean R. Koontz has also published under the names Leigh Nichols, Brian Coffey, David Axton, Owen West, Deanna Dwyer and Aaron Wolfe.

Dean lives in Southern California with his wife, Gerda, their golden retriever, Anna, and the enduring spirit of their golden, Trixie. / Twitter:@DeanKoontz


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Ghostly Evil surrounds Celeste by Kristine Mason

Kristine Mason’s paranormal suspense novel, Celeste Files: Unjust, has an amazing cover. I love the feeling I get as I look at it. The waves crashing on the retaining wall do not scare me, but they do make my heart beat a little faster and my breath quicken.

I loved Celeste, Book I of the Psychic CORE series, and I was waiting for Celeste Unjust.


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I recommend Celeste Unjust for adults.

I have read all Kristine Mason’s romantic suspense novels and I love her writing. It keeps me hanging on the edge of my seat. So Celeste and the Psychic CORE series are must reads for me. The action begins from the opening words and she does not let me go until the last one is read.

Celeste is a Ghost Whisperer. She has all the problems of us normals, plus the added stress and danger of the ghosts refusing to let her ignore them. Bad or good, she must acknowledge their presence. Her prior experience let her fearful, wondering if she would survive her next encounter.

Familiar characters appear and I am happy to see them. Not just for me, but for Celeste too. She will need all the expertise of the Above The Law CORE gang.

The cover may lull you into feeling this will be just a nice little ghost story, but the true horror begins on their vacation to the Everglades and catches a dead body.

Kristine Mason does not miss a beat in her venture into the paranormal and supernatural genre. I have come to expect evil, savage villains and this is a horror of the supernatural kind, where the evil literally seeps under Celeste’s skin, threatening not only her life, but her husbands and all those around her.

Celeste Unjust is a horror of a ghost story of possession by an evil man accused of murder and human trafficking. The pacing and suspense kept me dancing on my toes. Just when I thought I had all the answers, she did this…

Kristine even got me at the very end and I cannot help but smile at a job WELL DONE!

I rub my hands will glee as I anticipate Celeste Unforgotten, Book III of the Psychic CORE series.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  5 Stars


Celeste Files: Unjust (Book 2 Psychic C.O.R.E.)—Kristine Mason

Dealing with the dead is murder…

Psychic Celeste Kain has two things on her mind, relaxing for a week in Florida with her husband, John, and making a baby. But a fishing trip turns her vacation into a nightmare when she reels in the body of a dead boat captain and accidentally unleashes an evil ghost who has one thing on his mind…revenge.

As the dead boat captain haunts Celeste, she looks deeper into his past and discovers that his murderer had done the world a favor. The ghost tormenting Celeste doesn’t see it that way and will go to any length to avenge his death. If Celeste won’t give him what he wants, he will take over her body and use her as a weapon…to kill her husband.

Celeste Risinski, the heroine of Shadow of Danger (Book 1 C.O.R.E. Shadow Trilogy), is back with her own series. Join her as she learns how to deal with being a wife, mom, baker and…psychic investigator.


AuthorPhoto_PerfectlyToxicKristine Mason is the bestselling author of the popular romantic suspense trilogies, C.O.R.E. Shadow and Ultimate C.O.R.E. She is currently working on her next trilogy, C.O.R.E. Above the Law, along with a series of Psychic C.O.R.E. novellas.

Although Kristine has published a few contemporary romance novels, she focuses most of her energy on her romantic suspense stories, which she loves for their blend of dark mystery/suspense and sexy romance. She is fascinated with what makes people afraid, and is famous for her depraved villains whose crimes present massive obstacles for her heroes and heroines to overcome.

Kristine has a degree in journalism from Ohio State University and lives in Northeast Ohio with her husband, four kids, and two dogs. If she’s not writing, she’s chauffeuring kids, gardening, or collecting gnomes. Oh, and she makes a mean chocolate chip cookie!Connect with Kristine on Facebook, Twitter or email her at You can also find out more about Kristine’s books at

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Shadow of Danger  /  Shadow of Perception  /  Shadow of Vengeance

Ultimate Kill  /  Ultimate Fear  /  Ultimate Prey (review coming soon)

Celeste Files: Unlocked

Perfectly Twisted  /  Perfectly Toxic

All covers link to Amazon and I am an affiliate, BUT I cannot help but tell you. Kristine Mason is a master storyteller and I would highly recommend buying the book sets, because you will want to read them all! Except, I have yet to read the Reality TV series.

The Celeste Files of the Psychic CORE series are paranormal and supernatural novels that star Celeste, from the very first book in the CORE Shadow Trilogy, Shadow of Danger. I love the mix of psychics and ghosts, with murder and thrills. Check them out below.

Perfectly twisted is the beginning of another series, CORE Above the Law, that takes the characters even further than I thought they would go. I am LOVING it!!!

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Friday 56 #73 & BB #49 – Treasure @cusslerofficial

The Friday 56 is hosted by Freda’s Voice.The only rules are to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your ereader and find any sentence or a few ( no spoilers) that grabs you and post it.

Please join Rose City Reader every Friday to share the first sentence or so of the book you are reading along with you initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires.

Please include the title of the book and the author’s name.

~~~2016-01-27 02.19.47

Next up on the list is Treasure by Clive Cussler.

I have a “few” of his books and have loved them all.

I can’t get enough of his wild adventures!

How about YOU? Want to hunt for some treasure with Dirk Pitt?

Treasure (Dirk Pitt, #9)

Cover art – 1988 – Sanjulian


Never in his wildest nightmares did he see himself in such a crazy predicament. One wrong physical movement, a slight error in judgment and fifty people would find a deep, unknown grave in the  sea. Not fair, he cried in his mind over and over. Not fair.

(page 56 in paperack)


A small, flickering light danced eerily through the black of the tunneled passageway. A man dressed in a woolen tunic that dropped below his knees paused and raised an oil lamp above his head. The dim glow illuminated a human figure inside a gold and crystal casket while casting a grotesque, wavering shadow against the smoothly cut wall behind The man in the tunic stared into the sightless eyes for a few moments, and then he lowered the lamp and tuned away.




A violent rise of fundamentalism in Mexico and Egypt has the United States captive inside its own borders. But when the beautiful Egyptian Secretary General of the United Nations survives a murderous plane crash in Greenland, Dirk Pitt is pulled into the storm. Searching for the most spectacular missing treasure of the ancient world, he finds a startling connection between the murder attempt and the chaos that is gripping the world. And when the Presidents of Egypt and Mexico are taken hostage, the hunt begins in earnest. Now it’s Dirk Pitt against a conspiracy of evil that reaches from the arctic circle to Tierra del Fuego — and the sides are about even!


I am a “cover girl”.

Cover: Craig White

The cover below is for the mass paperback published in 2011. Which one do you like best?


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Northwoods @BillSchweigart – Action Packed Horror

Northwoods by Bill Schweigart has a gorgeous and wicked cover, by TK, that only hints at the horror inside. I was so excited when I received a copy through Netgalley and the Publisher, Random House. Thank you guys.

So…come on and let’s dive in to this dark fantasy and see who will survive.


Northwoods by Bill Schweigart

  • Random House Publishing Group – Hydra
  • Genre – Horror, SciFi & Fantasy
  • Publish: February 16, 2016
  • Ebook: ISBN 9780804181372


Northwoods by Bill Schweigart is packed with so much action and suspense that I had to read it cover to cover, nonstop. Unputdownable. Was Bill Schweigart influenced by Stephen King? I think that is a definite possibility.

Our first foray into the woods brings back memories of my own…the snow falling, shaking the branches for a snow shower, the cold crispness of the air, but I never found a chest of any kind and after reading Northwoods, I’m glad I didn’t. I was surprised it started in the woods and not in the water because of the cover, but…

Ben, Lindsay and Alex Standingcloud had faced a cryptid before and manged to come out of it in once piece. This time would be different. I hate/love that the author is not afraid to kill off his characters and I wonder who will survive.

The “Jaws” scene totally freaked me out. OMG! Is he dead? Has he been eaten? Please tell me NO! Bill, what are you doing to me?

As their world goes crazy, the horror takes over, the pace quickens and so does my heartbeat. I found myself holding my breath as I read along.

WOW. Fantastic. Another wonderful twist! I was beginning to think it was possible, so it was not a total surprise.

The chapters are devoted to each character’s version of events and I enjoyed seeing it from their perspective. I love how the group has grown to function as a unit determined to save the world. I am hoping their bravery and heroics will bring a miracle to light.

The writing creates a fast paced tempo that, at times, left me breathless. The battles were fierce and I could not anticipate the outcomes. I would love to read more about this gang and their efforts to save the world from creatures that do not belong among us humans.

Northwoods by Bill Schweigart is a novel all horror lovers will want on their reading list. I will be following his work from here on out and adding them to my reading list.

I received an ARC of Northwoods by Bill Schweigart in return for an honest review.


Goodreads Blurb:  Some borders should never be crossed. From the author of The Beast of Barcroft comes a waking nightmare of a horror novel that’s sure to thrill readers of Stephen King and Bentley Little.

Ex–Delta Force Davis Holland, now an agent for the Customs and Border Protection, has seen it all. But nothing in his experience has prepared him for what he and the local sheriff find one freezing night in the Minnesota woods.

Investigating reports of an illegal border crossing, the two men stumble across a blood-drenched scene of mass murder, barely escaping with their lives . . . and a single clue to the mayhem: a small wooden chest placed at the heart of the massacre. Something deadly has entered Holland’s territory, crossing the border from nightmare into reality.

When news of the atrocity reaches wealthy cryptozoologist Richard Severance, he sends a three-person team north to investigate. Not long ago, the members of that team—Ben McKelvie, Lindsay Clark, and Alex Standingcloud—were nearly killed by a vengeful shapeshifter. Now they are walking wounded, haunted by gruesome memories that make normal life impossible. But there is nothing normal about the horror that awaits in the Northwoods.


Bill SchweigartGoodreads Bio:  Bill Schweigart revives a bit of forgotten lore from the shadow of Washington DC in his latest novel, THE BEAST OF BARCROFT (available November 17, 2015), which finds a devilish creature stalking the residents of Arlington. Its sequel, NORTHWOODS, will be available on February 16, 2016. Bill is a former Coast Guard officer who drew from his experiences at sea to write the taut nautical thriller, SLIPPING THE CABLE. Bill currently resides in Arlington, VA with his wife and daughter, who along with their monstrous Newfoundland and mischievous kitten, provide him with all the adventure he can handle.

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Giveaway & Review: The Corpse with the Diamond Hand @AceCathy

The Corpse with the Diamond Hand large banner640Welcome to my stop for the Corpse with the Diamond Hand by Cathy ace.

Just looking at the cover made me want to book a cruise.

How about you? Have you ever been on a cruise?

CORPSE DIAMOND COVERThe Corpse with the Diamond Hand
(A Cait Morgan Mystery)

Series: A Cait Morgan Mystery (Book 6)
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: TouchWood Editions (October 13, 2015)
ISBN-13: 978-1771511445



Amazon  /  B&N


The Corpse with the Diamond Hand by Cathy Ace had so many elements that appealed to me, I had to have it and share it. I have cruised and I have been to Hawaii and loved them both, but I never crossed a dead body before.

Cait Morgan is a professor of criminal psychology and her husband, Bud, is a retired law enforcement officer. They have recently married and are on a cruise for their honeymoon, when Tommy Trussler collapses and dies while playing cards. They both know dead bodies and this was no natural death.

Cait has an eidetic memory and it comes in very handy as they are called upon to help solve the mystery. I love that she watches Hawaiii Five O. We both have watched the old and the new. And I love that Cait “doesn’t play well with others”. Neither do I.

I am really curious about Tommy, trying to figure him out for myself before Cathy Ace does it for me.

The Corpse with the Diamond Hand by Cathy Ace brought back so many wonderful memories of cruising and Hawaii, that I got lost in the pages. I felt like I was having a cocktail at Duke’s in the Outrigger Hotel and walking Waikiki Beach, with the sand between my toes and the salt air on my skin.

There are so many suspects and motives, so many possibilities.  The ending caught me by surprise and that doesn’t happen often enough. I loved cruising down memory lane with Cait and Bud and I would recommend The Corpse with the Diamond Hand for all you readers who want to travel into the mystery of murder on the high seas.

Food for thought:

Experience all you can, to learn, to grow. Sometimes there will be disappointments, sometimes maybe sadness but to never take a chance?

I received a copy of The Corpse with the Diamond Hand by Cathy Ace in return for an honest and unbiased review.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  4 Stars

2cathyAbout The Author –

Originally from Wales, now-Canadian Cathy Ace writes the Cait Morgan Mysteries. Her series has found her criminal psychologist, foodie sleuth stumbling upon Corpses with a Silver Tongue, a Golden Nose, an Emerald Thumb, Platinum Hair, Sapphire Eyes and, now, a Diamond Hand during her globetrotting. The winner of The Bony Blithe Award for Best Light Mystery in 2015, when not helping Cait solve traditional, closed-circle mysteries, Cathy’s a keen gardener, ably assisted by her green-pawed chocolate Labradors.

Author Links:  Website  /  Facebook  /  Twitter: @AceCathy  /  Goodreads





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Skull and Crossbones (c) Sherry J Fundin

Skull and Crossbones (c) Sherry J Fundin