Blast Giveaway ~ My Ex From Hell by Tellulah Darling

The titles alone make we want to read them.

How about you?



Sixteen-year-old Sophie Bloom wishes she’d been taught the following:
a) Bad boy’s presence (TrOuBlE) + teen girl’s brain (DraMa) = TrAuMa (Highly unstable and very volatile.)
b) The Genus Greekulum Godissimus is notable for three traits: 1) awesome abilities, 2) grudges, and 3) hook-ups, break-ups, and in-fighting that puts cable to shame.

Prior to the Halloween dance, Sophie figures her worst problems involve adolescent theatrics, bitchy teen yoga girls, and being on probation at her boarding school for mouthy behaviour. Then she meets bad boy Kai and gets the kiss that rocks her world.


This breath stealing lip lock reawakens Sophie’s true identity: Persephone, Goddess of Spring. She’s key to saving humanity in the war between the Underworld and Olympus, target numero uno of Hades and Zeus, and totally screwed.

Plus there’s also the little issue that Sophie’s last memory as Persephone was just before someone tried to murder her.

Big picture: master her powers, get her memories back, defeat Persephone’s would be assassin, and save the world. Also, sneak into the Underworld to retrieve stolen property, battle the minions of Hades and Zeus, outwit psycho nymphs, slay a dragon, rescue a classmate, keep from getting her butt expelled from the one place designed to keep her safe …

… and stop kissing Kai, Prince of the Underworld.

My Ex From Hell is a YA romantic comedy, Greek mythology smackdown. Love meets comedy with a whole lot of sass in book one of this teen fantasy romance series. Compared to Kai and Sophie, Romeo and Juliet had it easy.




Tellulah Darling

1. YA romantic comedy author because her first kiss sucked and she’s compensating.
2. Alter ego of former screenwriter.
3. Sassy minx.

Writes about: where love meets comedy. Awkwardness ensues.
Sassy girls. Swoony boys. What could go wrong?

WEBSITE  /  TWITTER: @tellulahdarling  /  GOODREADS  /   FACEBOOK
The book will be on sale for .99 cents during the Nerd Blast.
Click on the cover below to get your Amazon copy.


1 Signed Copy of Sam Cruz’s Infallible Guide to Getting Girls and Signed Copy of My Date From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy Book Two).

Giveaway is open to International. | Must be 13+ to Enter


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My Life From Hell by Tellulah Darling – Tour & Giveaway

MyLifeFromHellBlitzBannerNot only is Tellulah Darling on tour with My Life From Hell, she will be having a party on March 23. For more information, keep reading about the party, an excerpt and a giveaway.

It’s Tellulah’s virtual book bash and you’re invited! Come to: on Sunday, Mar 23 between 10-11AM PST and help Tellulah celebrate the release of My Life From Hell. She’ll be live on video, doing a reading, answering your text Q&A, and just chatting. So come on over, ask a question, discuss the pros and cons of swoony boys, or just say hi! She’d love to have you there to help mark the end of Sophie’s journey. Better yet, she’s the only one who has to get dressed for the event. 😀

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My Life From Hell by Tellulah Darling
(The Blooming Goddess Trilogy #3)
Publication date: March 20th 2014
Genres: Fantasy, Mythology, Young Adult

To say that Sophie Bloom is at the top of her game with one only week until spring equinox and the final showdown with Zeus and Hades would be, well, lying. The Goddess of Spring feels more like the Goddess of Bzz Thanks For Playing than the savior of humanity. And could her relationships be any more messed up?

Good times.

Sophie is convinced that things can’t get any worse than crawling back to her mother Demeter and begging for help. But she’s about to find out how very wrong she is.

It’s a race against time for Sophie to implement the big battle strategy in the YA romantic comedy/Greek mythology finale My Life From Hell. Love meets comedy with a whole lot of sass in book three of this teen fantasy romance series. Save herself; save the world. Humanity may be screwed.

Will be found here come release day:
Amazon B&N  /  iTunes  / Kobo

I fired again and again, staying rooted to the spot, and forcing extra power from deep within the earth. I wiggled my bare feet into the dirt, digging my toes in deeper.

At least it didn’t stay dark. Between fireballs, lightning strikes, my shockwaves and Kai’s black light, it was quite the dazzling illumination.

My eyes closed. I didn’t need to see the Photokia and Pyrosim to know where they were. I could sense them, millions and millions, swarming me. More than I could count. More than I could process.

It was a plague of minions. The world was so thick with them that I was amazed there was still room for air. Their fireballs burned my skin and sparked my hair. Their lightning arced through my body.

The air was heat and smoke and burning destruction. Every particle glided over my skin in electric vibrations that shocked the tiny hairs on my arms. Black ash rained down, covering me in a blanket of soot. I took it all in and used it. Turned it around and sent it back with every shockwave I fired.

I felt untouchable. Even with all the hits I was taking, my healing abilities kept up pretty well. I had never been more a goddess, more every-inch powerful, than in this moment. I felt Persephone settle into my skin, connect to me in a way that had never happened before. For this moment, at least, we were in perfect synch. We were the vanquishers and our enemies would go down tasting our wrath.

Until I heard the laughter.


Tellulah Darling
TD1) YA romantic comedy author because her first kiss sucked and she’s compensating.
2) Alter ego of former screenwriter.
3) Sassy minx.Writes about: where love meets comedy. Awkwardness ensues.Tellulah Darling is a firm believer that some of the best stories happen when love meets comedy. Which is why she has so much fun writing young adult romantic comedy novels. Her tales span contemporary, teen fantasy romance, and YA Greek mythology, and range from stand alone books to series. For Tellulah, teen romance is the most passionate, intense, and awkward there is – a comedy goldmine. Plus smart, mouthy, teen girls rock.Sassy girls. Swoony boys. What could go wrong?
Author Links:
To get your copy of My Life From Hell by Tellulah Darling, click on the cover below.




taiwan flag smiley animated gif Pictures, Images and PhotosBlitz-wide giveaway
-Signed copies of Books 1, 2 & 3
-2 x eBook copies of the series (incl the short story)


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To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

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WINNER!!! of My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling


My favorite time of any giveaway is announcing the winner. So without further ado, the winner of My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling is:

Laura T

Congratulations and happy reading. I hope you enjoy My Date From Hell as much as I did!

Thanks to all of you for the wonderful comments. I hope you will continue to follow fundinmental.


To pick up you copy of My Date From Hell, or to learn more about Tellulah Darling, click on the cover below.


To see all my Reviews, go HERE.
To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

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Giveaway Blitz for My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling

The title, My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling , grabbed me and I felt I had to participate in this tour.

The book sounded so funny, I couldn’t wait to find out what it was about.


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My Date From Hell
Tellulah Darling
(The Blooming Goddess Trilogy #2)
Publication date: October 31st 2013
Genres: Comedy, Mythology, Young Adult

Sophie Bloom’s junior year has been a bit of a train wreck. After the world’s greatest kiss re-awakened Sophie’s true identity as Persephone (Goddess of Spring and Savior of Humanity), she fought her dragon-lady guidance counselor to the death, navigated mean girl Bethany’s bitchy troublemaking, and dealt with the betrayal of her backstabbing ex, Kai (sexy Prince of Darkness). You’d think a girl could catch a break.

Yeah, right.

With Zeus stepping things up, it’s vital that Sophie retrieve Persephone’s memories and discover the location of the ritual to stop Zeus and Hades. So when Aphrodite strikes a deal that can unlock Sophie’s pre-mortal past, what choice does the teen goddess have but to accept?

The mission: stop media mogul Hermes from turning Bethany into a global mega-celebrity. The catch? Aphrodite partners Sophie and Kai to work together … and treat this suicide mission as a date. Which could work out for Sophie’s plan to force Kai to admit his feelings for her–if she doesn’t kill him first.

Add to that the fact that BFF Theo’s love life and other BFF Hannah’s actual life are in Sophie’s hands, and suddenly being a teenager—even a godlike one—seems a bit like … well, hell. Whatever happened to dinner and a movie?

The YA romantic comedy/Greek mythology fireworks continue to fly in My Date From Hell. Love meets comedy with a whole lot of sass in book two of this teen fantasy romance series. Breaking up is easy; dating is deadly.


A lone figure stood awaiting my arrival.

Take the natural snobbiness of your everyday hipster, compound it by the regular arrogance of guys in their mid-twenties, and magnify it by infinity thanks to that whole god factor. You’d start to come close to the waves of disdain that just naturally rolled off this dude. The Eau de Smarm he exuded ensured that I wasn’t going to be cozying up to him any time soon.

It may have seemed like his denim shirt, worn unbuttoned over a white wife beater and skinny jeans had been picked up directly off of the floor that morning, but no. From the top of his rakish fedora sitting on his bright red- dyed hair to his pink socks and white vintage Keds, Hephaestus was calculated cool.

And weirdly cute, but I wasn’t going to give him that.

Not even the cane he sported, due to his left foot being twisted inwards could detract from his projecting an overall “don’t even bother reaching for my greatness” status. If anything, the cane was a sleek, black, way cool accessory. “Hephaestus, I presume.”

He crossed his arms. “It’s Festos. And you better have a damn good reason for showing up here with that password, honeybunch.”

“Theo sent me. Prometheus,” I amended, since I wasn’t sure if he knew Theo’s human name.

Given the double take I received, I guess he did.
“I don’t believe you,” he said flatly.
“I swear. He thought you could help break a memory spell.”
“Too bad. I’m busy.”
I took a step forward, my hand up to keep him from ordering me out.

“Please. I don’t think he would have sent me unless he believed you were truly the one person who could help.”

Festos considered me for a second, then rolled his eyes. “Lovely. You’re her. Did Prometheus mention any type of payment for my services?”

“His undying thanks?”

Festos looked a bit too hopeful at that. You know, if you looked past the “couldn’t care less” vibe.

“Not really,” I amended. “But you’re the only god he’s ever mentioned in a remotely respectful way.”

“Wow. Such flattery.” He sighed and waved me toward the machine in the middle of the room. “Get on.”

I hesitated.

He limped over to the contraption. “You want it undone or not? Lose the pillow you’re wearing and move.”

I tossed my puffy coat onto one of the sofas. Then glanced outside. I couldn’t help it. I was worried the minions had come back.

“We’re warded up,” Festos said and flicked a switch.
The machine came to life in a roar of sound.
I bet you a bajillion dollars that if you made a list of all the ways you might

remove a memory suppression spell, no matter how weird you got, none of the items would include being hooked up to one of those kinda grungy, video arcade dance machines and trying desperately to keep up with the patterns whipping past.

I win, right?


TellulahTellulah Darling
1. YA Novelist
2. Alter ego of former screenwriter and instructor
3. Sassy minx

Geeks out over: cool tech.
Squees for: great storytelling.
Delights in: fabulous conversation.
Writes about: where love meets comedy. Awkwardness ensues.

Stalk Tellulah Darlling

taiwan flag smiley animated gif Pictures, Images and PhotosTellulah Darling is offering one (1) ebook copy of My Date From Hell for the giveaway. Open internationally.  The ebook will be sent out after November 25th.

Entry is easy peasy. Leave your email address and tell me:

Have you ever had a Date From Hell?

Giveaway is Over.

WINNER – Laura T

To get your copy of My Date From Hell by Tellulah Darling, or one of her other books, click on the cover below.


To see all my Reviews, go HERE.
To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

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