
Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving…and for those of you, like me, who look forward to the football games as much as the family time…

Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving…and for those of you, like me, who look forward to the football games as much as the family time…
Sherry’s Shelves #102 is my weekly update from November 20 – November 26, 2016.
Hello fellow bloggers. Hope you had a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving.
I went from Florida to Mississippi, back to Florida, on to Alabama and back to Florida.
It’s so nice to be home for the rivalry’s on Football Saturday in the Fundin household. We will be having some family over and another turkey with all the fixings.
If you are a football fan, who is your team?
The Michigan wolverine is in the house…and he is HUNGRY!
LAST WEEK ON fundinmental
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend and Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope you enjoy this little bit of holiday cheer.
I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and good times with friends and family.
If you like what you see, why don’t you follow me?
Look on the right sidebar and let’s talk.
Flickering Hope by Naomi Kinsman
Sadie sets off to check on Patch. She knows Frankie’s dad, Jim, wants to get rid of Patch, so she has to be careful and cover her tracks. Jim thinks Patch is a problem to be taken care of, but Sadie thinks of her as a pet.
While she is out there, she runs into a young girl. Her family is living in a shack in the woods. The girl swears her to secrecy or she will expose Patch. Secrets have a way of coming out.
She loves visiting Helen and Andrew. Helen studies the bears. Sadie likes Andrew, she has a crush on him.
Secrets. Andrew’s secret. Frankie’s secret. Frankie is her enemy or is she? Does she want to be friends?
The girl in the woods says everything will be great if they find the bear. My bear?
3 Stars – Would Recommend to Others
Won in a Goodreads First Read Giveaway. A children’s book. Picked it up to read because the cover and title made it look like a fun, easy read. A short book to just relax with and enjoy a fun romp through Sadie’s mind. I could just imagine what the gravy looked like with all the different food colors added – olives on their fingertips, playing as if they were finger puppets. A nice story about a girl questioning life’s reasons, God, friendship, faith. Fighting for what she believes in and never giving up.
I could feel empathy with the characters and thought the story covered the problems and confusion that all kids go through. It was well written and the story is something that kids can relate to.
All the wonderful things that involve the holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Does it bring back memories? The gift of giving, friendship and loyalty.
About the author
Naomi Kinsman is the author of Spilled Ink (winner of the 2009 Moonbeam Gold Medal for Educational/Activity book) as well as the From Sadie’s Sketchbook series (Zondervan). She has written and directed over 50 plays for young audiences, and has written for Highlights, Spider and Devozine magazines.
As founder of the Society of Young Inklings, Naomi shares her passion for writing and creativity with young people across the country. Society of Young Inklings offers game-based classes, unique resources, national club membership and publishing opportunities for young writers. Naomi has a BA in Theatre Arts from Seattle Pacific University, has studied theatre with the Piven Theatre Workshop and ACT, and has an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Hamline University.
She is the Assistant Regional Advisor for the San Francisco South chapter of SCBWI. Naomi lives in Northern California with her husband, and identically colored pets: a tuxedo cat and a Portuguese Water Dog.
To get a copy of the book, just click on the link below.
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/Naomikinsman
website: http://www.naomikinsman.com