Shooting Stars by H D Gordon is another hit. I am a huge fan of hers and she never disappoints me. Falling Star, Book II of Surah Stormsong has just been released and I am looking forward to reading more about Surah and H D’s cast of characters.
Be sure read the Guest Post to see what H D has in store for you in the upcoming months.

“There’s a storm comin.’” Charlie had no idea how bad it would get.
Princess Surah Stormsong had been ordered to take the place of her murdered brother by her father, the King. She was to be the new Keeper. She had no intention of doing so.
She found out the Black Stone was missing and Merin Nightborn, a highborn witch, was dead.
That sealed her fate.
H D Gordon can spin a story that will keep you on the edge of your seat. I had no doubt that Shooting Stars would be no exception. Her writing style is easy to read and captures you early on. The action starts from the first chapter and is non-stop. Her characters come alive on the pages and leave you rooting for them OR wishing they get what they deserve.
I loved the Alexa Montgomery Series and thought would I love this too. H D Gordon’s ability to take me into her fantasies allow me travel to worlds I would never have known otherwise.
I met Surah Stormsong in Redemption and I am excited to get to know her. What is her story? Shooting Stars is a story of fantasy and the paranormal. Good vs Evil. White Magic vs Black Magic.
The POV goes back and forth. I liked it. It allowed me to see it from that characters perspective and to walk in their shoes.
When I think of a Royal’s life, I immediately think of Princess Diana. Her life was out there for all to see. Just imagine how hard it was for her to hide her emotions and do the things expected of someone in her position. Royalty have a role to play and an act to perform, regardless of their feelings and wants. Such is the case with Surah Stormsong.
Surah was strong minded and would do what she felt had to be done, regardless of the consequences. She had done it before and met Alexa. Sometimes circumstances can force us to act and give us responsibilities we don’t want. Life is not fair, so get over it.

“Maybe I should tell Samson to bite you. He likes dark meat, you know.”
When you read the book, you will know why I chose this photo. Samson and Surah have a great sense of humor.
Surah Stormsong – She had a Great Tiger, Samson, as a pet. They talked to each other. I loved the banter between her and the tiger. No lying between them. She had a gift and could tell when people lied. She could teleport. She was humble and tired of the Princess thing. She never thought herself above the commoners. She never even paid attention to calling them commoners. Was she really all that unprejudiced? She empathized with people and they loved her for it.
Charlie Redwing- He loved to paint. He was a common sorcerer and bartender. He secretly held a piece of the White Stone. He had courage. He was Black Heart’s younger brother but they had no contact.
Charlie and Princess Surah had met as children only once. She had given him something she should not have and she remembered him well. Something had passed between them, even as children. When she meets him again, she remembers their first meeting. She had never forgotten him. He had never forgotten her. Do you have someone you remember from long ago? Have you ever wondered what could have been?
Charlie and Surah had something between them, but Theo was determined to marry her. He was the Head Hunter and Surah, as Keeper, had to work with him. He had lusted after her for a long time. Just a look from him caused her skin to crawl.
Black Heart, Michael, was Charlie’s brother and the opposite of him. Revenge is a strong, driving emotion. It can take over your life and it drove Michael. Some people twist their views to justify their actions.
“You still throw like a princess.”
“But I am scared, Sam I am.” Love it. Made me think of Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss.
“People plotted and deceived, cheated and covered it all with a smiling mask. People were far more dangerous than the Beasts. They were the real kings of the jungle.”
“Love is a chariot with a skeleton key to the chains which hate can wrap around you. To love is to be free.”
“You might as well shoot at the stars. Cause the thing you aim to hit is just too far…may as was well be shooting at the stars.”
5 STARS – Would Highly Recommend To Others
I received this book from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review. There is no doubt in my mind that I will love to read and review anything H D Gordon writes.
H D Gordon Talks About Her Characters and her Work In Progress
Hi Heather. I am happy to have you making an appearance on my blog today.
First, I would like to thank Sherry for allowing me to come here today! Sherry has been a wonderful supporter to me from the beginning, and I love her oceans for all that she does.
I’m going to talk a little about a few things; characters, upcoming works, the direction I’m heading in, to name a few. My most recent release was the second book in The Surah Stormsong Novels, Falling Stars, and boiled down, it is a fantasy/romance tale about star-crossed lovers and magic. Surah Stormsong and Charlie Redmine are the leading characters of this tale, two people born worlds apart that find themselves forced together through bad circumstances, and falling in love despite the fates being aligned against them.
If you know me, you know I am a fan of strong characters with very real weaknesses, and Surah and Charlie are no exception here. In Shooting Stars you are introduced to the cast, and the shit starts to pile up, leaving them in a very tough situation. In book two, Falling Stars, you really start to get to know Surah and Charlie; their histories, fears and weaknesses. All the while you are watching while their love blossoms into something worth crossing oceans and climbing mountains for. The only real questions are if they can swim hard enough and climb high enough to overcome all that is thrown their way.
I’ve always been a fan of classic star-crossed lover stories, loved everything from Romeo and Juliet to Tristen and Isolde, so when Surah showed up in the last couple Alexa Montgomery books, I knew just what to do with her. My hopes are that after all is said and done with Surah and Charlie, my readers will have grown to love them the same way they love Alexa, Nelly and Kayden.
Now, if you’ve been a constant reader of mine, you know that I do not just write paranormal/fantasy. The fact is, I love all types of literature, and hope to someday have tackled every genre, so that I can fully explore my abilities. With that said, what’s coming next from me will be a mix of things that a reader is sure to find something in that suits their desires.
I’m in the middle of writing my first horror book, which I do not intend to self-publish, but will hopefully be available to you in a timely period. After that I will begin work on the sequel to my paranormal thriller, Joe, which is one of my most anticipated works to date, and following that I will be finishing the last book in The Surah Stormsong Novels, Crossing Stars. So yeah, kicking some ass and taking some names. Or at least, trying to.
In between these works, I am strengthening my short-story writing, and have just finished (in my opinion) my first really successful short story. I’m submitting it to a pretty big contest soon, and my hopes are as high as the sky. It’s some real literary-type shit, so wish me luck. J Also, I’ve written a song inspired by The Surah Novels, and if you follow me on Facebook and Twitter, I’m sure you’ll get to hear it soon.
To sum it up, let me just say that I know most of my readers would like me to continue to just write paranormal/fantasy, but if you trust me, if you allow me, over the years I plan to take you on some wonderful journeys, and perhaps open doors that have never been known to have existed. Come dance with me, dear readers. I promise not to bump your elbows or step on your toes…too much.
WOW! You are a very busy woman. I’ll be at the party with my dancing shoes on and I know my travels with you will be memorable. Congratulations on all the goodness!
Thanks so much for visiting, Heather, and talking to all my readers and followers.
H. D. Gordon is the author of The Alexa Montgomery Saga. Blood Warrior, the first book of the Alexa series was her debut novel and has held a spot in the top 100 fantasy bestsellers for over a month. Half Black Soul is the second book in this series and H. D. plans to complete Alexa’s tales by the end of 2012. In June of 2012, Joe, a fantasy novel about a young clairvoyant, was released as well. H. D. is a lifelong reader and writer, a true lover of words. When she is not reading or writing she is raising her two daughters, playing a little guitar, and spending time with her family. She is twenty three years old and lives in the northeastern United States.
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To pick up any of H D Gordon’s books from Amazon, simply click on the cover.

MY REVIEW: Blood Warrior: The Alexa Montgomery Saga, Book I by H D Gordon
MY 5 STAR REVIEW: Half Black Soul: The Alexa Montgomery Saga, Book II by H D
MY 5 STAR REVIEW: The Rise: The Alexa Montgomery Saga, Book III by H. D. Gordon
My 5 STAR REVIEW: Redemption: The Alexa Montgomery Saga, Book IV by H. D. Gordon
To see all my Reviews, go HERE.
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