I love suspense, thrills, crime and mystery. I have also been to Mexico numerous times, though I never saw it the way Carmen Amato has. Her book covers attracted my attention, because I am a sucker for great covers. Another thing that really caught my attention and made me curious was the author herself. She has a very interesting history, so be sure and scroll down to check her out.
I am going to review them in the order I read them. If they look good to you, click on the cover to hop over to Amazon. They may still be free, but be sure and check for the “0”.
The covers fit the series so well. I love when an author creates a brand.
Her whole world was this moment, this stinky mat, this iron beast that she had become. A fabulous description of Emilia Cruz…and she will need that iron will, that strength, in what is to come. Emilia is the first female detective in Acapulco and she had fought hard for it. I love the character and as I read the five stories in Made In Acapulco, I grew to love her more.
Machismo. Corruption. Cartels.
“Always pay it forward. It’s the only way we’ll save our future.”
This introduction into Emilia Cruz only makes me want to read more.

I missed so many books between Made In Acapulco, my introduction to Emilia Cruz, to Narco Noir, the eight book. I have missed a lot.
I have missed all the books in the series except what I consider the introduction to Emila Cruz, Made In Acapulco. I think it probably affected my review, because I was just getting the hang of being in Mexico, but now I do have some familiarity with the characters and how the city of Acapulco operates.
I sense a romance, but what kind of future does a detective from the barrios have with an American with plenty of money? Could they make it work?
Well, that’s a twist. I didn’t see it coming and I am curious where it will go.
She is a badass. I love a strong female character that can hold her own. Even in the machismo world of Mexico, she earns her place and the respect of (at least) some of her coworkers, informants…
Every move is filled with danger and betrayal. Corruption is rampant, so it’s hard to know who to trust. She has to keep things close to the vest.
Her partner, Silvio, is the only person she calls in her time of need.
There is so much about the book I liked, but I was frustrated by some of the characters actions. I don’t want to say much to spoil it for you, because I think it’s worth finding out for yourself.
I do recommend starting at the beginning and you will need to read to the end of the series to get the complete story.

The Emilia Cruz series takes place in Acapulco, Mexico. In The Hidden Light Of Mexico City by Carmen Amato we step away from Acapulco.
“So you’re too afraid to save our country?….What will you leave your grandchildren? A country that’s just a playground of violence for the cartels?”
Eddo hated what he was forced to do just to be able to do the right thing. People will get hurt, but he couldn’t sit back and do nothing just because it was dangerous and may cost him his life.
Luz has sacrificed everything for her family. I feel so bad for her and I wonder when or if she will have her turn. Her family ticks me off. What gives them the right to treat her the way they do. Even her brother walks a fine line in my book. Family is family, but when is too much enough?
An indepth look at the brutality and corruption of Mexico’s’ drug trade and the war for territory.
Whoa…I was brought up short. I thought I knew what the story would be: betrayal, corruption, power hungry, brutal, savage, and those who try to do the right thing. I’ve always heard how Mexico was driven by the drug cartels, so on that front I wasn’t surprised.
The twist with the romance…
The Hidden Light Of Mexico City by Carmen Amato is a great police procedural, suspense/thriller. At times my heart was in my throat and I love the characters, good and bad.
The ending is excellent. Not too short, not too long, just right.

Now, we are real life moments in Mexico. Aapply your suntan lotion, put on your hiking boots, bring your swimsuit, bring your appetite, and let’s go meet some new people.
I took no notes for The Insider’s Guide To The Best Of Mexico. These snippets of introductions from the 42 contributor’s to the guide share their favorites in a page or three. I would take it with me if I were traveling to Mexico.

Following a 30 year career with the Central Intelligence Agency, Carmen Amato writes mystery and suspense, including the Detective Emilia Cruz police series set in Acapulco. Emilia is the first female police detective in Acapulco, confronting Mexico’s cartels, corruption and social inequalities. The series recently won the Poison Cup award for Outstanding Series from Crime Masters of America and was optioned for television.
Originally from upstate New York, Carmen’s experiences in Mexico and Central America launched her fiction career. Carmen is a recipient of both the National Intelligence Award and the Career Intelligence Medal.
Find out more at https://carmenamato.net
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