OMG! I am blown away. Sue Coletta has taken ecothrillers and vigilante justice to a new level. Every time I think she can’t surpass herself, she goes and writes an excellent story such as Savage Mayhem. I know my words will not be able to express how much I enjoyed the book, but I will do my best.
Let’s start with the cast of characters. We have Mayhem,an Apache Warrior and serial killer. Then, we have Shawnee, a cat burglar and his partner. They will stop at nothing to protect those who cannot protect themselves from the Killzme Corporation…and this time it is the American Buffalo. Just a little note…I had seen a documentary on TV about the American Buffalo and I mentioned it to Sue. She was already writing about it in Savage Mayhem.
We have their feathered friends, Poe, who has a sibling rivalry going on with Shawnee. We have White Crow, who is the spirit animal of Mayhem’s wife. Sue has introduced a new crow, Odin, who has become enamored with White Crow. She makes them seem so real and they have their part to play in the battle. There are moments of sadness and laughter.
I have wondered, in the last couple of books, if there could be a romance between Mayhem and Shawnee. Savage Mayhem had some smokin’ hot moments and I loved it…and that’s all I’m saying about that.
I do want to say that it is best to read the series from the beginning. Mayhem and Shawnee are very different people. I love that Sue Coletta turned them into ecowarriors, determined to put the poaching KillzMe Corporation out of business, one villain at a time. She seamlessly weaves Indian folklore and tradition with danger and death.
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Savage Mayhem by Sue Coletta.
5 Stars
Amidst the wild and unforgiving landscapes of Yellowstone Park, join Mayhem, a fearless Apache warrior and champion of the Natural World, and his partner and protégé, Shawnee, as they race against the clock to protect an American Buffalo herd from the ruthless Killzme Corporation.With a massive bounty on their heads and an army of killers on their trail, Mayhem and Shawnee must use all their cunning and survival skills to outsmart their enemies. They will risk it all to preserve the sacred lineage of the Innocent Ones.
There is no line Shawnee and Mayhem won’t cross.
Even murder.
As the danger intensifies and the clock winds down, will they be able to save the herd? Or will this be the mission that finally breaks them?
Published April 11, 2024 by Crow Talons Publishing
Series: The Mayhem Series #9
Sue Coletta is an active member of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers. Feedspot and named her Murder Blog as one of the “Top 100 Crime Blogs on the Net” (Murder Blog sits at #5) for four years in a row. And recently, she appeared on an Emmy award-winning true crime show.
Sue also blogs at the Kill Zone, a multi-award-winning writing blog, and writes two serial killer thriller series (Tirgearr Publishing) and narrative nonfiction/true crime for Globe Pequot, trade division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.
For readers, she has the Crime Lover’s Lounge, where members will be the first to know about free giveaways, contests, and have inside access to deleted scenes (if available). As an added bonus, members get to play in the lounge. Your secret code will unlock the virtual door.
BONUS: When you join Sue’s community you’ll receive two free killer reads!
Sue lives in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire with her husband, and begins each by feeding all the wildlife in her yard. Her favorite “pets” are a murder of crows who live free but come when called by name.
The first book in the series, Wings Of Mayhem is free. Go ahead. Grab a copy. You will see why I am so hooked on this series and these characters.
I am so excited to have Sue Coletta visiting fundinmenal today. I have all of her books and eagerly await whatever she writes next. Her books speak to me and Mr Mayhem is one of my all time favorite villains…but his story has changed and I asked Sue about it. Here is what she had to say:
Sherry asked me a valid question that many readers might be wondering about:
“I am curious about how you got so involved in the eco part and why it became the crux of your Mayhem novels. Was that the intent from the beginning or what Mayhem morphed into?”
The short answer to the latter question is no, it was not my intent from the beginning. When I created Mr. Mayhem, I knew he was special. Yes, he’s a killer, but he’s no ordinary killer. From the first time he walked onstage in Blessed Mayhem, I hinted for readers to hold their judgment until they got to know him better. I wanted them to think big picture, even though I hadn’t unraveled all his layers yet. Little by little, as I finished writing that book, I began to understand him on a deeper level.
In that same year (2015), a wealthy and entitled Caucasian trophy hunter shot Cecil the lion with a crossbow and let him suffer FOR HOURS before death while he posed for photos beside him. To help illustrate my rage and devastation, I need to rewind to my childhood.
I grew up with a houseful of animals. My mother rescued injured wildlife and pet-sat for anyone who needed a haven for their furred and feathered babies. At one point, she even cared for an opossum for a solid year while his human traveled. Throughout my childhood, Mom shared stories about Ruthie, the blue-eyed elephant. For years, every time the circus came to town, Mom spent her days with Ruthie, tortured by the mistreatment by Barnum & Bailey.
There came a time when Mom couldn’t bring herself to say goodbye to Ruthie. So, she followed Ruthie to her next stop. And the next. And the next. The bond they shared reached deep, their souls entwining as one. Ruthie knew her heart, she knew Ruthie’s. Mom tried everything to save her. The circus even offered her job riding Ruthie while she performed, but Mom turned them down. She refused to be part of the slow destruction of her best friend. After years of sleepless nights and sick with worry, one morning Ruthie’s pen sat empty. She died during the night. In hindsight, Mom recalled Ruthie stroking her cheek more than usual the day before—one final goodbye to last a lifetime.
The story still kills me. At a young age, these stories taught me how some unlucky animals endured horrendous treatment by humans. My brother and I both grew up to respect the Natural World around us and to cherish every being in the Animal Kingdom. So, you can see how protection of animals is imbedded in soul, perhaps even in my DNA.
While writing Silent Mayhem in 2017, I left a few breadcrumbs to explore later. Around this same time, I also tossed around ideas for a new series set in Kenya about a conservationist who murders poachers.
Also in 2017, I learned about a three-year-old Orca named Lolita, who was ripped away from her family in 1970, transported to Miami Seaquarium, and forced to perform for food. For over 50 years, Lolita’s been imprisoned in a tank the size of a hotel pool, isolated and depressed, withering away until she dies or commits suicide, which many Orcas do in captivity.
How can anyone think imprisoning an animal is okay?
In 2018, news hit about the death of Sudan, the last male white rhino on earth. I’d been watching Sudan’s live feed for months. His death shattered me. There were still two living female white rhinos and Sudan’s protectors saved his sperm but come on! How did we, as a society, let this happen?
For the first time, I witnessed firsthand how human greed and selfishness wiped out an entire species. And that changed me in such a profound way. No longer could I look away or pretend this crisis didn’t exist. I had to do something, anything, to stop this. But what could I do? I wasn’t a celebrity, nor did I have a massive worldwide platform. The audience I’d amassed expected pure psychological thrillers from me. How could I lead them into a new genre with a strong focus on wildlife conservation?
This passage from Unnatural Mayhem explains how I’d been feeling for years…
Imagine a world without animals. No pattering of paws, no wingbeats, no singing in the treetops, no howls at the moon, no buzzing in flower blossoms, no slithering through garden beds, no sympathetic eyes begging for a treat, no unconditional love and companionship, and the oceans, ponds, and lakes devoid of life. The Natural World as we know it would forever be silenced. For eternity.
All trees and plants would also disappear—they depend on animals to reproduce—a dead empty landscape left in the wake.
Does that sound like a world you want to live in? I sure don’t.
With passion driving my every step while writing I AM MAYHEM, I pulled that thread from Silent Mayhem and introduced Jacy Lee, a Diné Medicine Man. I fell in love with his purity and kindness. Sparks flew between Shawnee, Mayhem, and Jacy Lee. On their own, they’re strong and well-developed enough to take the lead. What I didn’t expect was how well they worked as a team.
Once Jacy Lee hit the page, it dawned on me—I didn’t need to create a new series; I already had the perfect characters primed and ready. Though readers loved my Mayhem Series, did they love the cast enough to transition into a new genre of eco-thrillers imbued with metaphysical elements of Native American spirituality and culture? To my surprise, everyone loved Jacy Lee as much as I did.
Then Covid hit in 2020. Friends from LA told me they’d never seen stars before the lockdown. Imagine the amount of pollution it takes to block stars in the night sky?
Without humans, wildlife thrilled. I could see it unfold out my window. Moose, black bear, wolf, fox all visited my yard. They could finally roam freely. What did that say about us? Well, it spoke volumes to me. So, when I wrote Unnatural Mayhem, I figured it was now or never. Silence was no longer an option. So, I went for it, willing to risk losing some readers for the greater good. To my surprise, my audience loved it. The feedback and emails I received brought me to tears. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who felt strongly about saving the voiceless.
From a career standpoint, I’m finally living my truth, fulfilled by a lifelong passion for animal protection. Along the way, I kill a ton of poachers, animal traffickers, and trophy hunters. There’s something so deeply satisfying about erasing the worst of society. If I can include a karmic twist like endangered animals feeding on the meat of their would-be killers, all the better. The Mayhem Series means a lot to me. They educate and entertain while still delivering an action-packed plot.
That doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy writing any of my previous books. I did. I just reached an age where I wanted—needed—more. And that passion drives me to the keyboard every single morning. My goal from the very beginning was to help fight animal trafficking through donations from the proceeds. Equally strong is my hunger to touch lives through Native spirituality, culture, and a beautiful connection to Mother Earth. The more Shawnee learns about her heritage, the more I learn about mine (that’s a whole other conversation).
I hope this helps explain why I took the Mayhem Series to where it is today. Thank you, Sherry, for posing the question.
It is my pleasure, Sue. I am overwhelmed. I don’t think anything I can say will top what you said. WELL DONE! and thank you so much for you touching and inspiring post.
Sue Coletta outdid herself in Tracking Mayhem. The characters came to life on the pages. The action was intense and I found myself constantly trying to picture the characters…whether kicking the shit out of the traffickers, climbing trees, or dressing for dinner. The interaction between Shawnee and the crows is both sweet and filled with sibling rivalry. I found myself laughing out loud at her antics with Poe and awwing with the sweetness and love between her and Spirit Dove.
I found myself constantly surfing the web because of the information that Sue Coletta shared and my need to know how accurate her research was and I wanted to know more. How much is fact, how much is fiction? So much of it is truly frightening, angering and shows man’s lack of humanity and disrespect to the Innocent Ones. Everyone and everything has a place in this world. It takes all of us to make it complete.
I love all the indigenous lore and the chapter headings that are filled with Native prayers and saying. I love all the practices and training scenes that Sue Coletta described in such vivid detail, I could almost see Shawnee running, weaving in and out of the trees, trying to keep up with Mayhem. I could hear the chatter of the animals. I could smell the pungent scent of the earth, and felt the touch of the bark of the trees as they scaled them, using them as a lookout. Mayhem is always on the alert, seeing so much more than Shawnee, teaching her to see it too.
I love that the characters have come so far, from a serial killer and thief to eco warriors. In Tracking Mayhem, we are out to protect the polar bears. By doing so and taking out the KillzMe corporation, they will save many more species’ lives in the process. Help will come from an unexpected source and I loved it.
Sue Coletta’s detailed, sickening, disgusting descriptions of butchered animals and the killing rooms is enough to turn my stomach, making me want to puke. Sometimes, visualization….well, it makes me want to reach into my ereader and do more than punch someone. Sue doesn’t get all preachy, she just says things how she and her characters, see them.
I love an author who can blend fact and fiction into an epic read, making me want more. I want to go on another adventure. An eco warriors mission is never over. There will always be another trafficker to take out, another animal to save…and that is real life.
Tons of action and bloodshed keep the pacing intense.
I could go on and on and on, and maybe I did, but I want to impress on you, the reader, that these characters are amazing. Sure, we have their mission, but it is them, together, Shawnee, Mayhem, Jay Cee, Poe and Spirit Dove, who make the story shine.
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Tracking Mayhem by Sue Coletta.
5 Stars
Three unconventional eco-warriors are on a mission to save polar bears from the nation’s largest animal trafficking organization—one dead poacher at a time.
When eco-warriors, Shawnee, Mayhem, and Jacy Lee race across the country, dodging bullets and fighting their way through a gauntlet of danger, they soon realize they must risk everything to protect the bears before it’s too late. With courage, conviction, Native spirituality, and an innate connection to Mother Earth, the trio faces off against the notorious Killzme Corporation to stop the killing of Innocent Ones, the voiceless who can’t fight for themselves. But the stakes are high—blood will spill.
The war to save polar bears begins now. Can the eco-warriors evade Killzme’s relentless pursuit in time to make a difference?
408 pages, Kindle Edition
Published June 26, 2023 by Crow Talons Publishing
Sue Coletta is an active member of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers. Feedspot and named her Murder Blog as one of the “Top 100 Crime Blogs on the Net” (Murder Blog sits at #5) for four years in a row. And recently, she appeared on an Emmy award-winning true crime show.
Sue also blogs at the Kill Zone, a multi-award-winning writing blog, and writes two serial killer thriller series (Tirgearr Publishing) and narrative nonfiction/true crime for Globe Pequot, trade division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.
For readers, she has the Crime Lover’s Lounge, where members will be the first to know about free giveaways, contests, and have inside access to deleted scenes (if available). As an added bonus, members get to play in the lounge. Your secret code will unlock the virtual door.
BONUS: When you join Sue’s community you’ll receive two free killer reads!
Sue lives in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire with her husband, and begins each by feeding all the wildlife in her yard. Her favorite “pets” are a murder of crows who live free but come when called by name.
Sue Coletta has a collection of thrillers that have given me hours of reading pleasure. Her covers are always amazing and covers have such a huge influence on me, so I invited her and her cover designer, Elle J Rossi from Evernight Designs, to share their thoughts.
Behind-the-Scenes Peek at Cover Creation
Sue: When Sherry approached me about writing a guest post with my cover designer, I thought it was a great idea. Readers only see the finished product, but a lot goes into each cover. Today, I’ve teamed up with my designer, the amazing Elle J. Rossi from Evernight Designs, to peel back the curtain on how we created the final cover for Restless Mayhem.
Ready? Let’s do this…
Before I approach Elle, I have a vague idea of what I want. For Restless Mayhem, the two most important elements were the wolf and dreamcatcher. Once I find images that somewhat match my mental picture, I send Elle multiple links to photo elements to either build from or use a guide. Included in the email, I also include the overall emotion I want convey. For Restless Mayhem, I wrote “dark but hopeful.” How she interprets that first email is beyond me. But somehow, she does.
Elle: Once I receive Sue’s email, I look over all the images she’s sent for review and start to get a good idea for the concept she’d like to see for the cover. Some authors will also send comps of covers in their genre/subgenre that they like. Since Sue’s most recent cover is part of a series, it’s important to stay on brand while also allowing the book to stand out as a new addition. As a fellow author (, I know how important this first impression of someone’s book is. Humans are visual creatures, and Sue and I want to take advantage of that.
Once I have an idea in my head, I start the mock-up process. Ideally, I like to send the author a couple of rough options and get their feedback before purchasing the images we’ll use on the final. Once I have those completed, I shoot them off to Sue to get her thoughts.
Here are the mock-ups I sent for Restless Mayhem…
Sue: Both are awesome, right? I had to sleep on it to decide where I wanted to go. Plus, a snowstorm knocked out our power and I’d been trying to work via cell phone all day. Needless to say, I was absolutely fried when the mock-ups landed in my inbox. In the morning, I emailed Elle. Here’s what I said…
New day, and the brain’s working again.
Okay, here’s what I’m thinking. I love the black wolf, but I don’t want anyone to think werewolves. The characters are saving Eastern Gray wolves. I’d prefer the dreamcatcher to be more of a focal point and the wolf to be secondary. If we took the dreamcatcher, red sky, and wolf from the first cover and made it clean and crisp like the second, added in a couple trees where the wolf can emerge from, I think it’ll be awesome.
Using the first cover again, pull the dreamcatcher forward and push back the wolf so he’s more of a ghostly, shadowy outline, and make it clean and crisp (without the added texture), that may be even cooler. Thoughts?
Once again, somehow Elle unscrambled that nonsense.
Elle: Sue may think that her feedback was rambling or nonsense, but it made perfect sense to me. So, I sat back and analyzed the two covers while considering her thoughts and reworking the cover. I used the same dreamcatcher from the first sample but completely replaced the wolf, added a new background, and blended the two together. I did the same on a fourth mock-up but with another wolf. I also omitted the tagline area and then sent those 2 options to Sue for more feedback.
Sue: I loved them both. Here’s where Elle and I had to pick apart the finer details of each cover and choose the elements that most resonated. I’ve worked with Elle for so many years, I value her input. So, I emailed…
OMG, I absolutely love them. Can’t decide between the two. Is it the same background behind the howling wolf as the other wolf? The skyline and dreamcatcher are absolutely perfect.
Elle wrote back…
I’m so glad you like them. Similar backgrounds but not the same. I think it comes down to the actual wolf. I’m torn, but lean slightly toward the non-howler.
I agreed. The non-howler was a better fit. My only addition was Poe, sitting on the S in Restless. True to form, Elle surprised me again. I’ll let her explain what she did.
Elle: I loved the idea of adding in Poe as it brought in another element from some of the previous covers. This, again, was another way to stick to the brand. However, when I added him in, he kind of disappeared into the background and was completely lost, which defeated the purpose of adding him in. I pondered on how to make him stand out. Of course, we could have him glow, but this isn’t that kind of book. J I could lighten him, but crows are black and should stay black, so that wouldn’t work. I opted to try lightening a portion of the background. That worked for multiple reasons: Poe is clearly seen, and it added another color which really made the cover come to life. I sent that latest version off for Sue’s approval, but I had a feeling this was THE ONE.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this behind-the-scenes peek at cover creation. The most important aspect of any partnership is mutual respect and trust. She does her job, I do mine, and the cover(s) reaps the rewards.
You can find out more about Elle’s design services here:
I love the amazing cover for Restless Mayhem by Sue Coletta, which was done in collaboration with Elle J. Rossi from Evernight Designs,. Mr Mayhem and Shawnee have come a long way since I first met them. I never would have predicted that Mayhem, Shawnee and her grandfather, Jacy Lee, would become eco-warriors to save the wolves and wolf dogs they found being trafficked. Buy one to hunt it down and kill it. How cruel.
I have so many highlights in my ereader, I confuse myself. LOL
The crows…sure the wolves are the stars of Restless Mayhem, but the crows are always there, always vigilant, always helpful, and their personalities shine through Sue Coletta’s writing. I find them fascinating and often refer to reality to confirm the authenticity of her writing. I worry for them, as much as I do their human friends. Shawnee and Poe’s ‘problems’ go back a long way and their interactions are laugh out loud funny, but when push comes to shove, he will be there. I wonder…will their feud ever end.
Shawnee…I love this woman. Maybe these quotes will give you an inside glimpse into who she was, is, and is becoming.
“Between the cougar attack and the bees, I couldn’t catch a friggin’ break. What’s next, a moose stomping me to death?”
“True warriors are born with an inbred fight response rather than merely flight. And you, dearest Cat, have many of the same attributes.”
Sue Coletta richly details Shawnee’s training, and when they went flying through the trees, I slowed my reading, intrigued, trying to picture it in my mind. It was wild. Walking through the woods, making nary a sound, as they stalk the hunters. I have heard of that before and I love that Sue is able to make Restless Mayhem seem so real, except I don’t think Mayhem, Shawnee and Jacey Lee would get away with the things they do in the real world. Money, influence and prejudice hold too much sway. And…is there such a thing as a Wendingo?
Everything has a place in this world and when you remove an element, the environment reflects that loss. The Native American culture and environmentalists the world over have voiced their concerns and warnings. I love books that can incorporate all these elements into a cohesive novel that grabs me from start to finish.
I could go on and on and on and on, but I think you get the gist. I love, love, love the Mayhem series, since I cracked open the first book, but Sue Coletta supplies enough back story that I believe Restless Mayhem can stand alone. So, don’t be afraid to grab Restless Mayhem, then I am sure you will want to go to the beginning and see how we came to be where we are now.
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Restless Mayhem by Sue Coletta.
5 Stars
Amidst a rising tide of poachers, three unlikely eco-warriors take a stand to save endangered Eastern Gray Wolves—even if it means the slow slaughter of their captors.
Deep in the woods of Jackson, New Hampshire, an ancient evil lurks. Armed poachers patrol a secret enclosure, holding captive a pack of majestic Eastern Gray Wolves. But three unlikely eco-warriors are determined to free the wolves, embarking on a dangerous mission to end their torture.
With courage and conviction, Shawnee, Mayhem, and Jacy Lee march onward, even if it means risking their own lives to take down the poachers and restore freedom to the wolves. It’s a battle between justice and injustice, and the eco-warriors are determined to win—no matter the cost.
But what if something even more evil lurks in those woods? What if Shawnee’s not ready to answer the cry for help?
378 pages, Kindle Edition
Expected publication April 26, 2023 by Crow Talons Publishing
Sue Coletta is an active member of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers. Feedspot and named her Murder Blog as one of the “Top 100 Crime Blogs on the Net” (Murder Blog sits at #5) for four years in a row. And recently, she appeared on an Emmy award-winning true crime show.
Sue also blogs at the Kill Zone, a multi-award-winning writing blog, and writes two serial killer thriller series (Tirgearr Publishing) and narrative nonfiction/true crime for Globe Pequot, trade division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.
For readers, she has the Crime Lover’s Lounge, where members will be the first to know about free giveaways, contests, and have inside access to deleted scenes (if available). As an added bonus, members get to play in the lounge. Your secret code will unlock the virtual door.
BONUS: When you join Sue’s community you’ll receive two free killer reads!
Sue lives in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire with her husband, and begins each by feeding all the wildlife in her yard. Her favorite “pets” are a murder of crows who live free but come when called by name.
OMG!!!!! Mr Mayhem is one of the best villains, serial killer, ever! Is it possible to love a villain for his goodness, while hating him for his badness? And the crows…do they seek revenge when slighted?
Shawnee is a fabulous character. If I am ever in trouble, I want her at my side. I love that Levaughn, her cop boyfriend accepts her with all her foibles. I worry for her friends and family, afraid Mr Mayhem or Poe will seek retribution for perceived wrongs.
Sue Coletta pens some of the best stories and is at the top of my reading list, one of my go to authors. Her writing shines with the research and details included in her work. I love the use of the crows and the Indian folklore. Her writing speaks to me and I respond with delight.
I kept putting the book down, because I didn’t want to finish it. I wanted to savor each word, letting my mind mull over what would happen next. Loaded with surprises, Sue Coletta’s imagination knows no bounds and I marvel at how her mind works. Read her biography and you will see how she manages to cover the subject matter, serial killers, so well.
Bring on the next one…soon, please.
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Silent Mayhem by Sue Coletta.
5 Stars
Some things in life defy comprehension, but that doesn’t make them any less real. Or deadly.
a familiar crow drops a cryptic scroll at Shawnee Daniels’ feet, she’s
compelled to open it, even though everything in her power warns her not
to. Mr. Mayhem—the most prolific serial killer the North Shore has ever
known—claims her life is in danger. He “claims” he wants to help her,
but just last year he threatened to murder everyone she loves.
Mayhem taunts her with oddly-placed feathers, like The Creator left at
his crime scenes, an interstate killing spree rocks Massachusetts and
New Hampshire. A madman is decapitating men and women, dumping their
headless corpses on two area beaches. But what Shawnee soon uncovers
shatters all she’s ever known, her memories shredded, the whispers of
the past in shambles on the ground.
Can she find the strength to move forward, or will the truth destroy her?
ABOUT SUE COLETTA Member of Mystery Writers of
America, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers, Sue
Coletta is an award-winning, multi-published author in numerous
anthologies and her forensics articles have appeared in InSinC
Quarterly. In addition to her popular crime resource blog, Sue co-hosts
the radio show “Partners In Crime” on Writestream Radio Network every
third Tuesday of the month from 1 – 3 p.m. EDT/EST (see details at
She’s also the communications manager for the Serial Killer Project
and Forensic Science, and founder of #ACrimeChat on Twitter. She runs a
popular crime website and blog, where she shares crime tips, police
jargon, the mind of serial killers, and anything and everything in
between. If you search her achieves, you’ll find posts from guests that
work in law enforcement, forensics, coroner, undercover operatives,
firearm experts…crime, crime, and more crime. For readers, she has the
Crime Lover’s Lounge, where subscribers will be the first to know
about free giveaways, contests, and have inside access to deleted
scenes. As an added bonus, members get to play in the lounge. Your
secret code will unlock the virtual door. Inside, like-minded folks
discuss their favorite crime novels, solve mindbender and mystery
puzzles, and/or relax and chat. Most importantly, everyone has a lot of
fun. Sue lives in northern New Hampshire with her husband, where her
house is surrounded by wildlife…bear, moose, deer, even mountain lions
have been spotted. Course, Sue would love to snuggle with them, but
her husband frowns on the idea.
Sue Coletta writes some fabulous thrillers that blow me away and I am so happy to have a copy of Blessed Mayhem. This serial killer reminds me of Hannibal Lector, but without the penchant for eating his victims.
The cat burglar and the serial killer collided in a most unexpected way. HE took it as a challenge…and with Shawnee, it certainly will be. He is looking forward to breaking her will, but Shawnee bends for no one.. Sparks fly whenever she is around and I love the snarky dialogue. She is a risk taker. She’s not a cop, but she works for them, running their cyber crime unit. If you get on her bad side, she would just as soon kick your ass as look at you.
Sue Coletta has taken a different route with Mr Mayhem and Shawnee Daniels. I love it! I find it very refreshing and challenging, and exciting, because I don’t know where she’s going to take me.
And…What’s up with the crows? That is a whole ‘nother issue.
Shawnee walks through a nightmare, at times the past and present merging together, making it hard for her to pull herself back from the brink of insanity. She guards her secrets closely, but sooner or later she is going to have to explain Maggie…and Jessup.
She tries more than Levaughn’s patience with her antics. He works as a detective for the police department. He knows about her burglaring, but thought she had given it up. I think she is hooked on the adrenaline high, and a safe, normal life won’t work for her.
She’s like an M&M, hard on the outside, soft on the inside. Her love for Berkley, her sleeping pill is his purr. Her motto, she’d face Lucifer himself to save a child. And she can’t say no to Levaughn, needing him to hold her, love her, when life becomes unbearable.
I can see Mr Mayhem’s resemblance to Hannibal Lector. I can see Shawnee’s resemblance to Clarice. I love that Sue Coletta took Blessed Mayhem so far out there, I had to reign myself in after the last page was read.
I don’t know if it is just me, but I wanted to be ‘shown’ more. Shawnee is so hard on the outside, I wanted to be ‘shown’ more of her love for Levaughn, her best friend and lover. I also wanted to be ‘shown’ more of the badass side and the evil that befalls her in her battle with Mr Mayhem. I wanted to get lost inside their heads. Maybe I just wasn’t ready for the story to end. If I did half stars, I would rate this 4.5, but seeing I don’t, I round up…5 Stars it is.
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Blessed Mayhem by Sue Coletta.
5 Stars
2017 Winner of Readers’ Choice Award in Mystery/Thriller, hosted by Rosie’s Book Reviews!!
A chance encounter …a deadly predicament …a lethal decision.
infamous Mr. Mayhem is not your average serial killer. Reminiscent of
the beloved Hannibal Lecter, minus his thirst for flesh—because eating
humans is just plain rude—Mr. Mayhem storms on the scene with style,
grace, elegance, and a zest for life unlike any other. Impeccable
manners also help. He may commit murder, but there’s no reason to be
impolite about it.
Accompanied by his loyal crow companions,
Poe, Allan, and Edgar, his crimes strike fear in the hearts and minds of
folks across Massachusetts’ North Shore. When Shawnee Daniels—cat
burglar extraordinaire and forensic hacker for the police—meets Mayhem
in the dark, she piques his curiosity. Sadly for her, she leaves behind
an item best left undiscovered. Or is it serendipity by design?
him curious, but he yearns to examine the psychology behind her life
choices, tough girl routine, witty banter, and unique double-life. In a
different time and place they may even become friends. But
unfortunately, their predicament defines the risk.
The stakes are too high to stop now.
For reasons authorities cannot fathom, these seemingly unrelated murders will go down in history as the most impressive killing regime of all time. His coup de grace, if you will. Even if it means permanently erasing Ms. Daniels from the equation. All the pieces are there if the authorities look hard enough. The question is, will they? The only new wrinkle is Shawnee Daniels, and she may be his toughest opponent yet …if she’s clever enough to play the game.
ABOUT SUE COLETTA Member of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers, Sue Coletta is an award-winning, multi-published author in numerous anthologies and her forensics articles have appeared in InSinC Quarterly. In addition to her popular crime resource blog, Sue co-hosts the radio show “Partners In Crime” on Writestream Radio Network every third Tuesday of the month from 1 – 3 p.m. EDT/EST (see details at She’s also the communications manager for the Serial Killer Project and Forensic Science, and founder of #ACrimeChat on Twitter. She runs a popular crime website and blog, where she shares crime tips, police jargon, the mind of serial killers, and anything and everything in between. If you search her achieves, you’ll find posts from guests that work in law enforcement, forensics, coroner, undercover operatives, firearm experts…crime, crime, and more crime. For readers, she has the Crime Lover’s Lounge, where subscribers will be the first to know about free giveaways, contests, and have inside access to deleted scenes. As an added bonus, members get to play in the lounge. Your secret code will unlock the virtual door. Inside, like-minded folks discuss their favorite crime novels, solve mindbender and mystery puzzles, and/or relax and chat. Most importantly, everyone has a lot of fun. Sue lives in northern New Hampshire with her husband, where her house is surrounded by wildlife…bear, moose, deer, even mountain lions have been spotted. Course, Sue would love to snuggle with them, but her husband frowns on the idea.
I have read several books by Sue Coletta and she gave me Wings of Mayhem just because. I love serial killers…well, books about serial killers….and Sue kept me enthralled in the first book of The Mayhem Series.
Let’s take a look, shall we?
Starting out with a fabulous cover by Elle Rossi of EJD Designs, is always a good sign.
A cat burglar, a cop, and a serial killer meet up in this brutal tale of love, loss and revenge that held me spellbound until the end.
4 Stars
Shawnee Daniels — cybercrimes specialist by day, cat burglar by
night — ignites the hellfire fury of a serial killer when she
unknowingly steals his trophy box.
burglar Shawnee Daniels always believed her “fearlessness rules” mantra
would keep her on top and out of jail. When she hacks a confiscated
hard drive at the Revere P.D., she focuses on a white-collar criminal
accused of embezzlement. To teach him a lesson and recoup the funds she
breaks into his massive contemporary in Bear Clave Estates. Jack has
even more secrets, deadly secrets, secrets worth killing over.
thinks she made it out clean until a deadly package arrives at her door
soon after. He’s found her. As a glowing eagle taunts her Skype screen,
Jack tells her she stole his precious trophy box — and he wants it
When her
“helpful” best friend convinces her to date charismatic Detective
Levaughn Samuels, her two worlds threaten to implode. Ordinarily Shawnee
keeps a firm line between her professions, but dating Levaughn might
help her get this psycho off her tail.
this lightning-fast-paced psychological thriller of secrets and lies,
Shawnee juggles being stalked by a serial killer, dating the lead
detective on the case, and tap dancing around her librarian best friend.
she doesn’t find the trophy box, the killer’s coming for her. If she
doesn’t expose her secrets and lies, more will die. And if she does, she
could lose her freedom and everyone she holds dear.
If you’re a fan of Lisa Jackson, Rachel Abbott, Karin Slaughter
thrillers, crime fiction with an edge, or psychological thrillers,
mystery, and suspense, then Wings of Mayhem is for you.
Praise for Sue Coletta’s novels…
heart-stopping descriptions are so jarringly real that there are several
scenes I will never forget.” ~ Eliza Cross, Award Winning Author
Coletta isn’t going to spare you the gory details or an honest look
behind the crime scene tape. She’s a well versed author in all things
crime who indelicately dumps you into the middle of a life which has
been disrupted, disturbed, and marred by the evil acts of a solitary
man.” ~ Beaux Cooper, Author and Amazon Reviewer
“Sue Coletta’s writing style is bold. It’s riveting.”