Promise Cove is a novel of romance, suspense and the paranormal. My expectations are high and Vickie McKeehan does not disappoint. She starts out with the familiar, takes a twist and turn, then ends with ooey, gooey, warm fuzzies.
Drink in the gorgeousness of this awesome cover. I can see myself sitting in one of those chairs with my camera, a margarita and the next book in the series, Hidden Moon Bay, listening to the palm fronds rustling in the wind and enjoying the wonder of the beach.

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The words rolled off his tongue, “Murphy at the store said you might need help out here.”
It didn’t make sense. With all that Scott had, it was Nick standing here talking to Jordan. It had been Scott’s family home, but his grandparents had suffered a financial hardship and lost possession of it. After Scott and Jordan were married, he bought the house. They started their married life with the thought of the B & B the house would become when the renovations were finished……………………… until he was called to duty in the service of his country.
Scott’s last words, “Promise me, Nick….”
Nick had thought they would be his last words.
What was the promise?
Come on in and have a seat. Let’s talk about Promise Cove.
5 STARS – Would Buy It For Them (lol)
I am continually surprised when I read and love some Romance books as much as I do. I look at a book blurb like this and think – oh – girl meets boy, falls in love, they fight a little, will she lose him, and then happy ever after. I find that is not the case here. There is so much more to the story. The Goodreads book blurb says it will hold me breathless to the last page, how about the last sentence.
A small town. Of course I know some of what is to come. But wait. I expect Vickie to come up with something surprising and she does that flawlessly.
I keep trying to think of a way to describe Vickie McKeehan’s writing. It is so smooth, the words flow like water rolling gently down the stream. I never said I was a writer. LOL
She takes romance to a level so far above the usual, that it takes a while for me to see how it will get to the happy ending. I am always trying to figure out the end of a book, from the very first page. In this instance, I don’t want to know what is coming. Surprises can be very nice. ^_^
I cannot imagine war. My mind will not go there emotionally. I cannot begin to get a sense of what it would be like to know you can be shot or blown up at any second. What about the wives, keeping the home-front running, while waiting for their spouse’s return? And what if they don’t return?
Our service people’s bravery is something to be inspired by. I would like to thank all our military people for the wonderful job they do in protecting us and our way of life.
Her characters come alive on the pages as you enter their world, hoping and wishing that all works out for them. I am usually drawn to a strong female character in the books I read. I guess because I am female and I want to walk in their shoes. This time?
I fell in love with NIck. Yep, that’s right. You heard me. Read on and tell me you wouldn’t.
Nick – hypervigilent – fight or flight response in soldiers returning home from war.
Had he inherited a gene that kept him from emotional attachments?
When Vickie describes Nick with Hutton it blows my mind. This is the thing that stood out most in the book for me. She describes his wonder at learning he has feelings and emotions, just becoming aware as if a baby himself. So sweet. My eyes watered at Nick’s amazement of Hutton and Vickie describing his awe as Hutton would speak, drum and just do normal baby things. I couldn’t put it down. How could you not fall in love with Nick yourself? Plus, he’s pretty HOT.
I always like a little chuckle when I am not expecting it.
“…closest thing to a hunk….UPS man who gave her a three minute thrill…”
I loved the ending. To me a great romance ends with a little surprise and happy ever after.
There is no doubt in my mind that I will grab every book Vickie McKeehan writes, knowing she will take me from my world into hers. At the moment there are three more books in the Pelican Pointe Series and I can hardly wait to see where Hidden Moon Bay takes me.
I picked this book up on a free day at Amazon. Thank you Vickie for sharing the love.
I know I keep rambling on and on, but every time I edit the review, I think of something else I want to include. With that said, I’m going to read this ONE more time, then publish it. LOL
Vickie is the author of six novels, including The Evil Trilogy and the Pelican Pointe series. She’s a hardcore lover of books who grew up listening to her mother tell fascinating stories about ghosts and other tales full of characters she wasn’t sure ever really existed.
A self-proclaimed beachgoer and ocean-lover, she lives in Southern California with the love of her life. When she isn’t working on her next manuscript or screenplay, she loves to be outdoors.
In her spare time she tries to grow things which other people commonly refer to as gardening. She loves reading all kinds of books, both fiction and non-fiction, loves to play video games, and enjoys watching football with the hubby. If you’ve ever read any of her books, you know she’s a die-hard Raider fan, which means she has the patience of Job.
She lives for chocolate, but then who doesn’t? She’ll kill for a cup of coffee in the morning. She’s convinced the best food on earth is French fries. And she could easily be a vegetarian if it wasn’t for bacon.
To find Vickie McKeehan just look below:
To Purchase any of Vickie McKeehan’s books from Amazon, click on the cover.

Vickie McKeehan is offering for the Giveaway 4 ebooks. International. Easy entry as always. Just leave your email address and answer the question:
Do you have someone close to you, or know of anyone that is now, or has ever served in the military?
GIVEAWAY IS NOW OVER. All winners have been notified. THE WINNERS ARE:
Gail / T. O. / Vanessa / Ann
I would like to take a moment to thank everyone, who has served their country, for their and their families sacrifices.
The response was overwhelming. Thanks go out to everyone who commented and shared their stories.
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