Here I am, doing my normal when Mr Wonderful has to work on a Saturday, blogging, reading and watching TV. What’s this? OMG, its a Jesse Stone Movie Marathon and I am all in.
I am a huge Tom Selleck fan from the Magnum PI days and I just watched Three Men and a Baby for the umpteenth time. He has those boyish good looks that I find hard to resist.
I am also a huge Jesse Stone and Robert B Parker fan. I have read many of his books and I must thank the library for that. I used to go in and clear the shelf of his books, loving bringing them home, stacking them, putting them in order of publication and..Then…the good part. I would begin reading. One after the other. I devoured them, reading for hours on end.
It is sad that Robert B Parker is no longer with us, but if Tom Selleck has his way, he will live on.
Notice any similarities?
NOW…a Jesse Stone marathon and I am loving every minute of it, watching them one right after another.
His drinking and his ex wife haunt him. I like having a beer or a glass of wine, while I am sitting alone, hubby working late, or working one of his freelance gigs. It seems so…special somehow. Not sure if that’s the right word, but I enjoy it.
Mr Wonderful just got home from a gig and he’s sleeping. Jesse is having the first of his two Scotches and I am having a glass of wine and loving every minute of it.
Women are drawn to him. He is a fair man and walks a fine line when it comes to the law. He breaks it when there is no other way, but the bad guys deserve everything they get. He works with some not so good citizens to get a better result and it seems to work out for him and them too. But there is still a line not to be crossed.
Reggie makes me want to reach out and pet him, but I know, like Jesse, he does not want that. His dogs…well they seem to be as damaged as him. BUT Reggie will be there, a comforting and stoic partner.
I love Suitcase and Rose.
Rose, Kathy Baker. I love to watch her character grow and develop. She is such a good person.
Suitcase, Kohl Sudduth, what can I say about Suitcase. A kid in a man’s body, he looks up to Stone and strives to be more like him, but he has a huge sense of right and wrong, black and white. Will he find the gray that seems to me rules life?
I love them all! The trio make a great team.
They reside in a small coastal town, where everyone knows your business, yet he has no time for boredom. Whether it’s helping a lost teenager get back on track, showing a woman mercy because of a past transgression…
Life has unintended consequences and sometimes justice is found in the oddest ways.
I love when I sit down, turn on the TV and come across such a great, unexpected surprise. I spent all day watching – one right after the other – and hated for it to end.
What a fantastic way to spend a cool, wintry day.
What about you? Do you have a special character you love to spend hours with?
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Love a good mystery? Check out some Jesse Stone novels by Robert B Parker.