THE DEEP END OF THE SEA is a New Adult Fantasy set for release, today, February 13, 2014. You will see the Gods of mythology as you have never seen them before. The Deep End of the Sea is a story of rape, a curse, vengeance, love and sacrifice, one you need to add to your TBR pile!
I wanted so much to share this for my Teaser Tuesday, but because it is a new release, I had to wait until now. I hope you enjoy what I have to share as much as I enjoyed reading the book and writing this review.
A unique and intriguing love story that had me going off the Deep End.

Cover design: Carl Stevens / Cover Art: Kelsey Patton
What if all the legends you’ve learned were wrong?
Brutally attacked by one god and unfairly cursed by another she faithfully served, Medusa has spent the last two thousand years living out her punishment on an enchanted isle in the Aegean Sea. A far cry from the monster legends depict, she’s spent her time educating herself, gardening, and desperately trying to frighten away adventure seekers who occasionally end up, much to her dismay, as statues when they manage to catch her off guard. As time marches on without her, Medusa wishes for nothing more than to be given a second chance at a life stolen away at far too young an age.
But then comes a day when Hermes, one of the few friends she still has and the only deity she trusts, petitions the rest of the gods and goddesses to reverse the curse. Thus begins a journey toward healing and redemption, of reclaiming a life after tragedy, and of just how powerful friendship and love can be—because sometimes, you have to sink in the deep end of the sea before you can rise back up again.
My Review of Deep End of the Sea by Heather Lyons
I am the Gorgon, Medusa. And my eyes can turn anything living to stone.
This is my story.
The Deep End of the Sea cover swept me away and I dove in with eagerness. Heather Lyon’s descriptions of the Gods, doing and acting like ordinary people is graphic, detailed and very realistic. I love mythology and The Deep End of the Sea is a unique and refreshing love story that had my full attention from the first page to the last.
Medusa –
Poseidon raped her, Athena cursed her and Hermes loved her. Danger surrounded her. She is a gentle soul before being turned into Medusa and that did not change. She loves modern electronics, her only contact with the outside world. She has been exiled to the island of Gorgon for the past two thousand years.
Mikkos is one of her only friends. He is blind, so she does not worry that he will turn to stone when he looks upon The Girls. He sells her temple relics, so she can purchase real everyday items and donate to worthy causes, trying to make up for the deaths she has caused. After freezing a human, I can visualize her moving the statue, trying to find the perfect spot for him. I can’t walk in her shoes because she is so damn nice.
Medusa talks about The Girls, her head of snakes. It is funny and sweet. Especially, I can picture Mikkos being allowed to feed and pet The Girls.
Hermes is Poseiden’s nephew and Athena’s brother. He does errands for Zeus and his uncle, Hades. He is determined to help Medusa have a life. He would talk to his dad, Olympus, and find out what would need to be done to reverse the curse. He shows the lengths “people” will go to to be with their soul mate. Heather Lyons describes it as imprinting, like werewolves do with their mates.
Medusa describes the girls actions – happy, unhappy, disapproving, excited, wriggling and trying to peak out from under the scarf she wears to hide them. Had me smiling and giggling as I develop the picture in my mind.
Heather’s descriptions are so vivid, I can picture Zues in a T-shirt, torn shorts and flip flops. Imagine sitting at a bar, not knowing a God is sitting beside you. It made me laugh out loud as she made their world blend into ours so realistically.
I love her detailed description of butterflies, but I would like for you to experience it yourself, so I will leave that for you to discover, along with so much more wonder in Medusa’s world.
I loved learning of our world through her eyes. Medusa is very knowledgeable, but after being isolated for two thousand years, she does not know how to fit in. How does she see our world, going from a two dimensional computer image to three dimensional reality? She is a total innocent in interaction with people, the crowds, restaurants, shopping, all the things we take for granted.
Oh no! NO! I didn’t see that coming. My heart breaks along with Medusa’s. I am crushed. What the hell, Heather? How can you do that to her, after all she has been through?
Usually, books about Gods and their mythological world can be confusing and heavy. Heather’s writing and Medusa’s world left me wanting more, a lot more. The characters came alive on the pages. I now see snakes as lively, fun and mischievous creatures. As I walked with Medusa, I began to see our world through her eyes. It is a scary and wonderful place and I would not want to be anywhere else.
5 STARS – Would Buy It For Them (lol)
Just a few fingers against his shoulder, but suddenly I’ve just stepped off a cliff and am soaring through the air, into the unknown after drowning in the deep sea for so long.
“Obviously, the reason I’ve yet to marry is because I was a recluse of a a monster living on an enchanted isle. Most may draw the line at scaly women whose hair can bite them during arguments and eyes which turn them into stone. Your turn.”
“You really don’t know, do you?”
I run. I kick. I punch. I listen. I write. I give. I live. Stars above, I love.
Heather Lyons would like to tell you, if you or anyone you know is a victim of sexual assault, you do not need to suffer in silence. Contact the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1.800.656.HOPE, visit the RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) website or connect with an online counselor to learn more about your options.
I received an arc ecopy in return for an honest and unbiased review.


About Heather Lyons
Heather Lyons has always had a thing for words—She’s been writing stories since she was a kid. In addition to writing, she’s also been an archaeologist and a teacher. Heather is a rabid music fan, as evidenced by her (mostly) music-centric blog, and she’s married to an even larger music snob. They’re happily raising three kids who are mini music fiends who love to read and be read to.
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