Giveaway & Review – And The Trees Talked Back by Frederick J Burns @ireadbooktorus


Book Details:

Book Title:  And the Trees Talked Back by Frederick J. Burns
Category:  Children’s Fiction (ages 3 to 7), 48 pages
Genre:  Children’s Book
Publisher:  Frederick J. Burns
Release date:   Nov 4, 2023
Content Rating:  G.  Suitable for everyone.


All I had to do was see the cover, read the title and know that I had to have this book. I love everything to do with trees, whether naked, clothed, or anything in between.

This oversized book, with wonderful illustrations, and a young girl who can talk to trees is sure to spark the young ones imaginations. Like seeing shapes in clouds, she sees faces in trees. I have seen things in trees too. Amanda has a huge heart and capacity for empathy. I smiled through the entire book and cannot imagine a child not enjoying this wonderful, magical adventure with Amanda.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
5 Stars
Book Description:

Meet Amanda, an extraordinary child with a unique gift — she can talk to trees.

Living in a quaint village with a mystical forest, Amanda’s life takes an enchanting turn when she seeks out her inquisitive cat, Daisy. As the sun sets and the moonlight casts its glow, the duo embark on a thrilling night-time adventure.

As Amanda encounters ancient trees, she uncovers a world she never knew existed, where wisdom and acceptance coexist with fear and hatred. Amidst the rustling leaves and haunting shadows, she confronts the duality of nature, discovering the true meaning of good and evil. Her bonds with nature deepen and she learns to navigate the world where choices shape destinies.

And The Trees Talked Back is a heartwarming tale of wonder, friendship, and self-discover that will captivate readers of all ages.
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Amazon ~ B&N
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Meet the Author:

Burns, always an artist on the inside, breaks through his trial attorney exterior at age 63, to write and illustrate his first children’s book, AND THE TREES TALKED BACK. Three years in the making, Burns strives to convey a world where commonalities are more important than differences, where empathy is more important than distain and where making friends is more important than creating enemies. With no formal art training, Burns enjoys working in and learning new mediums and styles. His art has won awards in juried competitions, been displayed on billboards, in government offices, the D’Amour Museum of Fine Art, and now graces the cover of Dave Brinnel’s second CD, ALONE. His detailed illustrations of trees using pen and ink with washes of watercolor have been compared to the fantastical illustrations of Arthur Rackham and Maurice Sendak. Burns lives in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts with his wife, Heather and two dogs, where he is developing ideas for his next book.

connect with author: website ~ instagram ~ goodreads

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  • M9B Two for Thursday Book Blitz – Horror Business by Ryan Craig Bradford and Fingers in the Mist by O’Dell Hutchison with Giveaway #T4T



    Hello and welcome to this week’s Two for Thursday Book Blitz #T4T
    presented by Month9books/Tantrum Books!

    Today, we will be showcasing two titles that may tickle your fancy,
    and we’ll share what readers have to say about these titles!

    You just might find your next read!

    This week, #T4T presents to you:

    Horror Business by Ryan Craig Bradford and
    Fingers in the Mist by O’Dell Hutchison

    Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!


    Armed with a passion for classic B-grade horror movies, a script co-written by his twin brother, and a wicked crush on his death-obsessed neighbor; hardcore horror fan Jason Nightshade must finish his student film.


    But his plans are derailed when the children of suburban Silver Creek start disappearing – his twin brother among them. Battling a possessed video camera, a crazy zombie dog, a monstrous bully, and a frighteningly broken down family life, Jason embarks on a mission to find his lost brother so the two can write an ending for his story.


    As any horror fan knows, saving the day won’t be easy, as Jason finds himself forced to face the real world where death isn’t just a splash of fake blood on a camera lens.

    add to goodreadsAmazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | TBD | Chapters | BAM


    Horror Business is, more than anything, an old-school horror story, digging deep into King’s meticulous nostalgia, processed through the postmodernism ofScream, filtered at turns through the nerdiness of Dawson’s Creek and Super 8, and then drenched in the blackness of a teenage boy’s brain.” – Keith McLeary, Author

    “What the author really captures here is not just a skin-crawling tale of monsters. He shows us where the real horror lies, in the awkward development of children into teens, the fearful uncertainty.”Matt E. Lewis, The Radvocate

    “Horror Business combines intelligence and entertainment into a particularly creepy read.” – Jennifer Bardsley, Author



    Ryan grew up in Park City, Utah. His fiction has appeared in Quarterly West, Paper Darts, Vice, Monkeybicycle and [PANK]. He currently lives in San Diego where he acts as Creative Director for the nonprofit literary arts organization So Say We All. He’s the co-editor of the anthology Last Night on Earth and founder of the literary horror journal, Black Candies.

    Connect with the Author: Website | Twitter | Goodreads | Instagram | YouTube


    Sixteen-year-old Caitlyn Foster never believed in the legend of the Redeemers. That was before the trees started to whisper her name. Before a murder of crows attacked the town. Before she and her family came home to find a bloody handprint on their front door, marking one of them as a sacrifice. As Caitlyn’s friends are ripped from their homes, she knows it’s only a matter of time before the Redeemers come for her. Caitlyn has the power to stop the terror, but she’ll have to decide if she’s willing to sacrifice herself to save those she loves.

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    “Hutchison does a fine job crafting a creepy tale that will leave many readers sleeping with a light on, or at least reading with an extra one on.”Jenn, Book Reviews and Giveaways

    “Fingers in the Mist created an eerie atmosphere that pervaded the entire story. The town, the legend, the characters– everything was downright creepy.”Kimber Leigh Wheaton, Author

    “I LOVED every single second of this book, and cannot wait to see what he comes up with next!” – Jaime, The Best Books Ever



    O’Dell was born in a small rural town in Idaho. There were no Redeemers living there (that he knows of). After attending college in the Pacific Northwest, he found his way to the Houston area. By day, he is a Business Systems Analyst and at night you can either find him sitting at home, dreaming of random super powers he wishes he had, or directing plays and musicals at various theaters around Houston.

    Connect with the Author: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads


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    Leave your link in the comments and I will drop by to see what’s shakin’.

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    Thanks for visiting fundinmental!

    I am stunned and amazed by these TREES!

    Anybody that knows me well, knows I have a love of TREES. Don’t ask me why, I just find them fascinating. If you look closely, you will find surprises within their branches .

    My personal favorite is No 4. How about yours? I get shivers down my spine every time I look at it. I have read a lot of paranormal books lately. LOL

    No. 4 The Dark Hedges Tree Tunnel (Hunted Hedges)
    Location: Ireland

    Top 10 Tree Tunnels of the World

    Reblogged from Cloud Lounge

    No. 10 Wisteria Tree Tunnel
    Location: Japan

    No. 9 Hobbit Tunnel
    Location: United Kingdom (UK)

    Natural tree tunnel usa
    No. 8 Autumn Tree Tunnel
    Location: Vermont (US)

    jacarandas-walk-south africa
    No. 7 Jacarandas Walk Way Tree Tunnel
    Location: South Africa

    Tree tunnel, Halnaker England 1
    No. 6 Halnaker Tunnel
    Location: United Kingdom (UK)

    cherry-blossom-tunnel germany
    No. 5 Cherry Blossom Tree Tunnel
    Location: Germany

    No. 4 The Dark Hedges Tree Tunnel (Hunted Hedges)
    Location: Ireland

    No. 3 Tunnel of Love
    Location: Ukraine

    No. 2 The Spring Love Tunnel
    Location: Sena (Spain)

    sagano bamboo forest -2
    No. 1 Sagano Bamboo Tunnel
    Location: Arashiyama (Kyoto Japan)

    To see all my Reviews, go HERE.

    To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

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