Review – Masks Of The Dragon by J T Hunter @JTHunter6

Amazon / Goodreads

Masks Of The Dragon by J T Hunter contains three true crime stories and is part of the True Crime series. We will learn about Cody Legebokoff, Bobby Joe Long, and Oscar Ray Bolin.

The Country Boy Killer: First up is Cody Legebokoff, one of the youngest serial killers in Canadian history. He loved the outdoors, camping, hunting and fishing. He loved killing women too. Luckily, his reign of terror doesn’t last long. This is a very quick easy read.

Deadly Deception: Next up is Bobby Joe Long. It’s more in depth than The Country Boy Killer and J T Hunter shows his research. This is one of those stories where the people that knew Bobby Joe Long found it hard to believe he was a serial killer. A survivor took him down and the state of Florida finished him off.

Death Row Romeo: Last but not least, Oscar Ray Bolin. Crime Stoppers brought him down. This story really pissed me off. The money spent on trials and retrials and appeals was disgusting, but he finally met his maker in Florida.

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos
4 Stars

Part of the Monsters of True Crime series, Masks of the Dragon presents three stranger-than-fiction true crime stories about three monstrous serial Cody Legebokoff, Bobby Joe Long, and Oscar Ray Bolin. These used to be sold separately as The Country Boy Killer, Deadly Deception, and Death Row Romeo, but now you can read them all at a bargain price in one book!

  • Genre: Anthology, Nonfiction, True Crime
  • 427 pages, Kindle Edition
  • Published August 19, 2024 by Pedialaw Press
J.T. Hunter

J.T. Hunter is an attorney with over fourteen years of experience practicing law, including criminal law and appeals, and he has significant training in criminal investigation techniques. He is also a college professor in Florida where his teaching interests focus on the intersection of criminal psychology, law, and literature.

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Freebie and Review for Dark Deeds by Susan Fleet

Dark Deeds: Serial killers stalkers and domestic homicides (Book 2)

by Susan Fleet

Stranger than fiction, a collection of 13 true crimes: the victims, the criminals, the bloody consequences. “Fleet immerses us in the world of serial killers, stalkers and domestic homicides. Well researched and well written. A 5 star recommend!” Art Smukler, psychiatrist & author     

Dark Deeds (Book 2) is FREE June 23 through June 27, 2014.


Susan Fleet manages to weave her love of music into her suspense/thrillers novels.

Susan also investigates the dark side of human nature world wide. I think she is as curious as I am to know what makes these people tick.

Be aware, be vigilant , because sometimes the monster is right next door.

I love her website, so if this sounds like something you are interested in, check her out at Susan Fleet or Renzi’s Rants.

Dark Deeds: Serial killers stalkers and domestic homicides (Book 2)



Each chapter features one true crime case – 4 serial killer cases, four stalker cases and four domestic homicide cases, with a special case in Chapter 13 that Susan found difficult to categorize.

Susan tells their life story, including where they are now. crime photo: crime jailscene.pngAt least these ones you don’t need to worry about any more. If they are not dead, they will never walk the streets again.

No one knows how many serial killers are active in the US. Some people think as many as one hundred people are murdered by them each year, but that is not accounting for the ones never found.

(Photo courtesy of Photobucket)

There are many more stalkers than serial killers and domestic homicide is a horrendous problem with most victims being women and children.

crime photo: Crime Scene Investigation csi.jpgIn the early years, before special investigation units, computers connecting similar cases in different states and advanced police techniques, who knows how many people could have been saved. We can see the advancement in police procedure has jumped by leaps and bounds.

(Photo courtesy of Photobucket)

Serial killers often have a signature, something that stamps their name on a killing,. It can be how they kill or the trophies they take.

Stalker assassins attack celebrities, presidents and others because they believe they can get away with it. How does a man’s mind work, when he believes, in this day and age, that he can pull a gun on the president and walk away? They are obsessed and believe they are in love. They will become violent when confronted and rejected. California was the first state to pass anti stalking laws in 1990. Looking back, it’s hard to believe we waited so long and why did we? That may be a story in itself.

(Photos courtesy of Susan Fleet’s blog)

I read these type of books, because man’s cruelty and depravity heaped on others for pure enjoyment is very disturbing and I am fascinated (is that the proper word) by the question, why. What makes them tick?

I can never understand how a nurse could kill her patients. The bigger question is how can hospitals and medical management allow it to continue to happen. I think most of us have heard a story or two about a criminal having a long rap sheet and question why nothing was done sooner.

(Photo courtesy of Wikipedia)

Criminal-Minds.svgI watch TV shows, like Criminal Minds (my personal favorite) and CSI, and see where they get their inspiration. I also watch a lot of the true crime shows, like Forensic Files and Cold Case. I have a morbid fascination with murder.

I do believe there is something wrong with these people, but I do not believe an insanity plea should get them off. They know the difference between right and wrong, they just don’t care. Sometimes, I think the justice system is skewed too much in favor of the accused and his rights and the victim is forgotten. After all, they can’t speak for themselves – because they are DEAD.

I cannot understand the binge killings, especially the ones committed by younger people. All the school shootings….I don’t even know what to say. It stuns me. Who are these “people”?

(Photo courtesy of Photobucket)

crime photo: Crime Scene Towel CrimeSceneTowel.jpgIn some cases, I believe the murders could have been avoided. Some criminals have a rap sheet a mile long and are walking around and breathing air, just like you and me. Is it because we don’t believe anyone is capable of doing something like that or they are as bad as they are. or is the justice system overwhelmed with criminal cases?

Susan has done her research. Each story is told from beginning to end, telling us where these killers are today. She satisfied my curiosity about that. I still wonder, and probably will forever, HOW CAN THEY DO THAT AND WHY?

Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos  5 STARS – Would Buy It For Them (lol)

I received Dark Deeds, Book II from Susan Fleet, the author, in return for an honest and unbiased review.



Dark Deeds-Volume Two contains 12 new true crime cases about serial killers, stalkers and domestic homicides.Once again, Susan Fleet has researched, written and compiled detailed accounts of twelve true crime cases: four serial killers, four stalkers and four domestic homicides. Chapter 13 involves a case that defies categorization. Some examples …

• Serial killers: The Candy Man loves little boys to death.
• Stalkers: Arthur Bremer and John Hinkley Jr. stalk Presidents.
• Domestic Homicide: A rabbi pays a man to murder his wife.

No one knows how many serial killers are roaming the United States. Some experts believe they murder as many as 180 people each year. Others say the count may be much higher because some serial killers hide the bodies and they’re never found. Stalkers far outnumber serial killers. Each year they threaten and intimidate 3.4 million people in America. Although stalkers may profess love for the objects of their obsession, many seriously injure or kill their “love object.”

Domestic homicide is rampant in the United States. Women and children rarely kill family members; men commit the majority of domestic homicides. Some are crimes of passion. Others are carefully calculated. Why bother with a divorce when you can kill your spouse?

Here’s what Arthur Smukler, MD, psychiatrist and author of Chasing Backwards, a psychological mystery, said about Dark Deeds, Volume One: “In Dark Deeds, Susan Fleet immerses us in the world of serial killers, stalkers, and domestic homicides. An inveterate fiction enthusiast, I found her real-life tales obsessively haunting and educational.”



Image of Susan Fleet

Midway through her successful career as a professional trumpeter and music professor, Susan Fleet discovered her dark side and began writing crime fiction. New Orleans is the setting for her award-winning Frank Renzi mysteries, Absolution, Diva and Natalie’s Revenge. The Premier Book Awards named Absolution Best Mystery-Suspense-Thriller of 2009.

Susan lived in New Orleans for nine years and now divides her time between the Big Easy and Boston. Visit her website and send her an email. She’d love to hear from you!

Her other passion is promoting talented women musicians. While teaching at Brown University and Berklee College of Music, she created a course about female musicians, jazz and classical. Read about them at

Susan also blogs about crime on DARK DEEDS: serial killers, stalkers and domestic homicides.
And don’t miss RENZI’S RANTS! NOPD Detective Frank Renzi rants about whatever is on his mind!

Some of her favorite authors are: Lisa Gardner, Lee Child, Patricia Cornwell, John Sandford, Elmore Leonard, Thomas Perry and Martin Cruz Smith.


To get your Amazon US copy of Dark Deeds, Book 2, or any other book by Susan Fleet, click on the cover.

Click her for all other Amazon and book buy links or just to say hi to Susan Fleet.


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5 Star Review – Diva by Susan Fleet plus a Free Thriller

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