Giveaway & Review – Untouchable by Sibel Hodge @SibelHodge @BPICPromos


by Sibel Hodge
Genre: Psychological/Vigilante/Suspense Thriller
Release Date: July 18, 2016


A Conspiracy. A cover-up. And a whistle-blower who knows too much. You think you know who to trust? You’re wrong. And the truth may kill you…

~~ Inspired by real UK police investigations, this book contains scenes which some readers may find disturbing ~~

It’s Maya and Jamie’s anniversary, and she waits with excitement for him to return home for a celebratory dinner. There’s a knock at the door. It’s the police. Jamie has been found hanging in a local wood.

His death is ruled a suicide, but Maya doesn’t believe Jamie would take his own life. Something isn’t right. Someone has broken into her house. Someone is watching her. And someone has gone to great lengths to cover up what Jamie was doing before he died.

Maya’s grief turns to suspicion, and as she begins to investigate the weeks leading up to Jamie’s death, her trail leads her to a place known as “The Big House” and the horrific secrets within. Secrets people will stop at nothing to keep hidden. People linked to the heart of the Establishment who think they’re untouchable.

Now Maya has a dangerous decision to make. How far is she prepared to go to reveal the truth?


OMG. I AM BLOWN AWAY by Untouchable by Sibel Hodge. I read a lot of romantic suspense. It is one of my favorite genres, and I just want to say, “Sibel Hodge is a master storyteller that left me screaming for more!”
Untouchable contains some sensitive topics, so I would definitely recommend this to adults only and if you are squeamish, think twice…then read it. 🙂
Maya and Jamie are opposites. She is loud, messy and social. He is more of a spectator, neat and tidy and enjoys his own company, yet they complement each other well.
Untouchable is told from two perspectives – Maya in the present and Jamie in the past.
I don’t want to give away Jamie’s story and the secret he holds, but I will say, it is terrible, tragic…Makes me soooo angry and I think it will make you angry too.
Did Jamie commit suicide?
That age old question arises..WHY?
It s a painful topic, yet Maya refuses to believe he would take his own life. I often wonder, when reading novels like Untouchable, how well we really know each other. We all have our little secrets, the pieces of our soul we hide from others. I wonder what I would do in her situation and, to me, that is the sign of great writing, making me get so into the story that I place myself in the characters situation.
Would I, would you, accept what everyone was telling me, or you? Or…would I, or you, have faith in our own intuition, or own gut feeling, that they are WRONG! What strength would it take to act on it.
I can’t imagine her pain at the loss of the love of her life, how stuck she is not wanting to forget him and move on. Wearing his clothes, absorbing the smell of him…wishing…
Watch out you fuckers. I’m coming to get you.
We all need a purpose to go on and now she has one.
Would I want justice…YOU BET! I love books that present the What IF..Would I…to me.
This is what I have been waiting for…the suspense and anticipation are making me fidgety, my eyes twitching, as I strive to read faster and faster, yet not wanting to miss anything.
They are Untouchable, but..
I find them so disturbing, so sickening, making me want to vomit as I scream and rage. I want to jump in my Kindle and rip them apart with my bare hands. Depraved, twisted, scummier than the bottom of the pond. My outrage makes me wince and shiver as I read on.
When Mitchell, who comes to Maya’s aid in solving the mystery, talks about Iraq, even though it’s a novel, my conspiracy theories come out.
“Talking to someone would be like putting a bandaid on a shark bit. What I needed was an AK-47 or a grenade to blast the people who killed Jamie to smithereens. Could I get a script for that?”
When Mitchell talks about the media brainwashing us, I believe that too. Do you ever wonder who really controls the world? Are we being duped by our own government? How about 911, Homeland Security and terrorism…is the government, or the power people creating a distraction so we don’t see what is really going on right under our noses?
I just don’t find any way for Maya to find justice. I don’t know how she does the things she does in Untouchable, but Sibel Hodge has created a character that rocks! The woman is very strong, committed, afraid yet fearless, brave and courageous as she struggles with her loss, fear, frustration and despair.
Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.
I was crunched forward, my foot tap, tap, tapping, racing through the pages, fighting the pain in my neck, hands, and wrists, from holding, clutching my Kindle…unable to stop. My head aches, my eyes burn and still I can’t stop. I have not read her bestseller, Look Behind You, but after reading Untouchable it is high on my wish list. Sibel Hodge has now become a MUST READ author for me.
Untouchable by Sibel Hodge did not go the way I thought. It seemed predictable, but twisted and turned to the very end. Ooooh, THE ENDING, I never saw it coming and I sat with my mouth hanging open and I had to laugh at my astonishment. AWESOME, Sibel!
To wrap it up, Untouchable by Sibel Hodge is a mind blowing, off the charts, out of the ballpark, hellacious rollercoaster ride that brought all my emotions to the surface, roiling and boiling.
I received a copy of Untouchable from Sibel Hodge in return for an honest review.
 Animated Animals. Pictures, Images and Photos 5+++++ Stars




Sibel Hodge’s No. 1 Bestseller Look Behind You has now sold over ¼ million copies. Her books are International Bestsellers in UK, USA, Australia, France, and Germany. She writes an eclectic mix of genres, and she’s a passionate human and animal rights advocate.

Her work has been nominated and shortlisted for numerous prizes, including the Harry Bowling Prize, the Yeovil Literary Prize, the Chapter One Promotions Novel Competition, The Romance Reviews’ prize for Best Novel with Romantic Elements, and Indie Book Bargains’ Best Indie Books of 2012. She was the Winner of Best Children’s Book by eFestival of Words 2013, Nominated for the 2015 BigAl’s Books and Pals Young Adult Readers’ Choice Award, Winner of Crime, Thrillers & Mystery | Book from a Series in the SpaSpa Book Awards 2013, Readers’ Favourite Young Adult – Coming of Age Honourable Award Winner 2015, and New Adult Finalist in the Oklahoma Romance Writers of America’s International Digital Awards 2015. Her novella Trafficked: The Diary of a Sex Slave has been listed as one of the top 40 books about human rights by Accredited Online Colleges.







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Teaser Tuesday – Untouchable by Sibel Hodge @SibelHodge



Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of booksandabeat.

Anyone can play along! Just do the following: Grab your current read. Open to a random page. Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page. BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!


Untouchable by Sibel Hodge

The awesome cover for Untouchable by Sibel Hodge lured me in. I love the thoughts I have as I look at it…wondering…who’s blood is that?

I will be reviewing Untouchable by Sibel Hodge on 9.4.16, so if this thriller/suspense, vigilante justice book looks like it’s for you…READ ON!

Nice doggy…Goodreads  /  Amazon


Crying wouldn’t do any good. Crying wouldn’t find out the truth about what had happened to Jamie.

(25% on Kindle)

I love vigilante stories. The thrills and chills keep me in suspense and at 25% into Untouchable by Sibel Hodge, I think it is just getting started.

GOODREADS BLURB:  A Conspiracy. A cover-up. And a whistle-blower… You think you know who to trust? You’re wrong. Untouchable is a chillingly dark psychological thriller from the No 1 Bestselling Author of Look Behind You.

It’s Maya and Jamie’s anniversary, and she waits with excitement for him to return home for a celebratory dinner. There’s a knock at the door. It’s the police. Jamie has been found hanging in a local wood.

His death is ruled a suicide, but Maya doesn’t believe Jamie would take his own life. Something isn’t right. Someone has broken into her house. Someone is watching her. And someone has gone to great lengths to cover up what Jamie was doing before he died.

Maya’s grief turns to suspicion, and as she begins to investigate the weeks leading up to Jamie’s death, her trail leads her to a place known as “The Big House” and the horrific secrets within. Secrets people will stop at nothing to keep hidden. People linked to the heart of the Establishment who think they’re untouchable.

Now Maya has a dangerous decision to make. How far is she prepared to go to reveal the truth?


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  • You can see my Reviews HERE.
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WINNER!!!!! of Untouchable by Lindsay Delagair

     My favorite time of any giveaway is announcing the winner. So without further ado, the winner of Untouchable by Lindsay Delagair is:


Congratulations !

Thanks to all of you for the wonderful comments. I hope you will continue to follow fundinmental.

To see my Review, go HERE.

To see all my Reviews, go HERE.

To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

If you would like to purchase the book, click on the cover below.

Giveaway and Review of Untouchable by Lindsay Delagair

I am so happy to be a part of this wonderful tour brought to you by CBL Book Tours and Promotions.


Untouchable (Untouchable, #1)
 Book Info:
• Title: Untouchable (Untouchable #1)

• Series or Standalone : Series, Untouchable is the first book in the Untouchable Series

• Author: Lindsay Delagair

• Release Date: July 30, 2011

• Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance

Add to Goodreads





Picking a boyfriend can be murder, but for Annalisa Winslett, it might end up being the literal death of her.

No one at Pensacola High School suspects the girl they know as Annalisa McKinnis to be a wealthy heiress in hiding, but things begin to unravel when two new guys enroll. Both guys are gorgeous, and both are trying to win her over. The only problem is that one of them has a million dollar contract to put a bullet in her.

This book is the beginning of a wild ride in a trilogy that will make you wonder if the power of love can truly conquer all.

When her pure and innocent heart is offered to him, will this cold and empty hitman fall, or will he remain untouchable?

•  Follow ups in this series :
Unforgivable (Untouchable, #2)
Untraceable (Untouchable, #3)

When my grandpa died, my mom thought he was murdered. To keep Kimmy, my sister,  and I safe, she sent us here, to Pensacola.

Jewels and I were sitting in her car with the radio blaring when he pulled up in his 370Z.

I was used to guys hitting on me at my old school, but I never knew if they were after me or my money. At my new school, I downplayed myself and tried to stay under the radar. He seemed interested in me for myself. I was drawn to Evan, but I had no intention of getting involved with anyone from Pensacola. I would be going home as soon as we straightened out the mess back in Palm Beach.

I left school, only to find my car wouldn’t start . I was going to  be late picking up Kimmy at her school. I panicked. Evan told me he could give me a ride, but no way was I going to let that happen. I didn’t want anyone knowing anything about us. I saw he was getting very angry and I began to feel the first inkling of fear. The custodian came and saved me. He popped the hood and saw the battery cable was loose. I know that doesn’t just happen by itself.

The next day at school I saw we had another new addition, Ryan. He was hot and, even though it was obvious Jewels was interested in him, he seemed more interested in me.

I finally broke down and invited Evan to church. I ended up blurting out my whole story. Still something about him scared me, made me not trust him. Then why did I tell him my secrets? Could it get me killed?

Which guy was good and which was bad, Evan or Ryan? Who cared for her and who wanted her dead?



4 STARS – Would Highly Recommend To Others

The cover is deceiving. When you read the book, it will become obvious why it was chosen, as will the title.

I was drawn to the book because it mentioned Pensacola High School. I thought, cool, I know Pensacola very well. I was curious to see if I traveled the same roads as Annalisa. We drove down Cervantes and Fairfield, the scenery very familiar to me.

The book started out like I thought it would. A lot of teenage angst. A menage a trois. l never saw the twist it took coming. Caught me by surprise, but drew me deep into their story. I began developing my own hopes and dreams for them. Then I began racing through the pages, eager to see what would happen next.

Annalisa was not a big risk taker. She was secretive. No one at school was wise to her capabilities; but she knew martial arts and could drive the wheels off most any car. She thought her mom was going crazy. She didn’t believe that her Grandpa had been murdered.

She had a voice like an angel. She sang Christian rock. I always think that is odd, Rock n Roll bands and church. But why not?

Evan was hot, but he seemed older than a high school student should be. More than once, Evan said something that would puzzle and scare her, but she never took the time to think it through.

Ryan was hot, too. She was suspicious of him, because he knew about rich people and Palm Beach. Did he know who she was?

Mentioned Hoobastank on the Ipod he sent to her. “The Reason” was the only song on it. I saw them at Amos Studio, at Pensacola State College. I had never heard of them before then and the first song they sang was, you guessed it, “The Reason”. I thought, small world.

This is an awesome book. I loved it. I thought the premise was ridiculous, at first. Then I thought of all the Criminal Minds I have watched. Didn’t seem so ridiculous then, because I love Criminal Minds and some of their storylines are way out there.

I read the Prologue for unforgivable. Now I have to know what happens. A must read for me. I am so hooked, even though I feel the journey they take would never happen in real life, only through the author’s words. But that’s cool. It is a book after all, fantasy and fiction.

I can’t give it a five, because of too many editing errors.

I received this book in return for an honest and unbiased review.


“Life is a dally experience. God gives us a fresh chance every morning to discover what’s out there.”

FOTM – Flavor  of the Month

“Maybe the old saying about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer came about because your enemies could sometimes be more interesting.”

“This could get ironic, the hitman gets emotional and the victim goes cold.”


Lindsay lives in Florida on the west coast.  She is married and has three children.  Although she holds a degree in technology, writing full-time (someday) is her dream job.  She enjoys different genres, but always comes back to writing romance.


Heart of the Diamond (published)
Untouchable Trilogy:
Untouchable – Book 1
Unforgiveable – Book 2
Untraceable – Book 3
Kingdom Hill
The Substitute (novelette)
Lindsay enjoys hearing from her readers.
Feel free to contact her at:
There are two Giveaways for this Tour, so be sure to enter both.

 Giveaway #1

taiwan flag smiley animated gif Pictures, Images and PhotosLindsay Delagair  is offering  for the Giveaway 1 (one) ebook copy to a lucky commenter. International. Easy entry as always, just leave your email address and answer the question:

I love cars, especially fast cars. If you could have any car, money no option, what would it be? 


Giveaway will run through 3/10/2013 .

Follow me by email to keep up on all the latest news, reviews and giveaways.

Tweet and let your friends, family and followers know what’s going on.


 Tour Wide Giveaway #2

The tour wide giveaway is for 3 x signed paperback copies of Untouchable. (US ONLY)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

.Be sure to visit the other tour participants for more chances to win.

To see all my Reviews, go HERE.

To see all my Giveaways, go HERE.

Tour  Schedule


1. Feb 26th :: Coffee, Books & Lipgloss – Review Post 2. Feb 26th :: Italian Brat’s Obsessions – Promo Post
3. Feb 26th :: i love lady porn – Review Post 4. Feb 28th :: Book addicts not so anonymous – Review Post
5. Feb 28th :: Our Reading Worlds – Review Post 6. Feb 28th :: Bookaholic Corner – Promo Post
7. Mar 1st :: M&M Book Blog – Review Post 8. Mar 1st :: MyBookMuse – Review Post
9. Mar 1st :: ReadingRenee – Review Post 10. Mar 1st :: Globug & Hootie – Review Post
11. Mar 2nd :: SIK Book Reviews – Promo Post 12. Mar 3rd :: The Boyfriend Bookmark – Review Post
13. Mar 4th :: Wicked Wolves & Dreaming Dragons – Review Post 14. Mar 4th :: Charlie, Coffee and a Good Book – Review Post
15. Mar 5th :: For The Love Of Film And Novels – Review Post 16. Mar 5th :: Pamela Foreman, Published Author – Review Post
17. Mar 5th :: Hardcover Therapy – Review Post 18. Mar 6th :: Confessions of a Book Addict – Promo Post
19. Mar 6th :: Along The Road – Review Post 20. Mar 7th :: Crystal’s Random Thoughts – Review Post
21. Mar 7th :: Fundinmental – Review Post 22. Mar 7th :: YA Book Addict – Promo Post
23. Mar 7th :: Sab The Book Eater – Review Post 24. Mar 7th :: Romance Addict Book Blog – Review Post
25. Mar 7th :: Two Girls Reading – Review Post 26. Mar 8th :: Book Nerds Anonymous – Review Post
27. Mar 8th :: Prosperpine Craving – Review Post 28. Mar 9th :: Lounging With Lindsey – Review Post
29. Mar 9th :: A Bookish Escape – Review Post 30. Mar 9th :: Reviews by Tammy & Kim – Review Post
31. Mar 9th :: Jein’s Journey – Review Post 32. Mar 9th :: Romance is in the Air – Promo Posts
33. Mar 9th :: Tiffany Talks Books – Review Post 34. Mar 9th :: The Book Diaries – Review Post
35. Mar 9th :: Simply Sensational Book Fanatics – Promo Post 36. Mar 9th :: Blakely Bennett’s Blog – Review Post