I would like to take a moment to introduce you to a new publishing company.
Authors, you may want to take a moment and check them out.
Maybe they will be the fit your need.
Paper Gold Publishing is a royalty-paying publisher with international reach, where the focus is on the author.
Click on the link to see what we do, and help us spread the word. We are now open for submissions.
While I’ve got your attention, I would also like to introduce PGP’s first traditionally published author:
When Shadows Fall
A battle between the Gods, with mankind caught in the middle.
Who will prevail?
Priestess: Rak’bana
Priest: Ine’resi, her twin brother
The Goddess is angry and rains fire down on the temples. They have no choice but to flee. They must pass on the warning to future generations.
Is it the ultimate betrayal or punishment?
“We are no longer human, Vesi.”
“No, I suppose not. We are closer to Gods, aren’t we? Small gods perhaps.”
That was in the opening pages. Makes me think there will be much action to come.
I meet Horace, a sailor, who will hold a prominent place in the novel. I couldn’t help but laugh at his thoughts. I love him. He is rude and crude.
…felt pretty good on the whole for a man what been drowned like a bilge rat and ate by an angry god.
Now, we meet Danya and Teryk, the prince and princess.
I love the princess. She has a great attitude about life and runs barefoot through the book. She is matter of fact and has no air of superiority.
Trenan is a master swordsman and we are going to spend a lot of time with him. By the time he grew on my, I wanted him at my side, always.
Danya and Teryk find the scroll the Gods had hidden. It holds magic for Teryk and he feels it holds his destiny. I knew what he was going to do…I knew what she would do too. I was surprised she fell for his ruse, but they are both young and naive. I worry about Teryk. I don’t think he’s capable of taking care of himself. He is a lousy swordsman and doesn’t realize how helpless he really is.
In the beginning I was confused. There was so much going on and the back and forth had my head spinning.I find this happens to me sometimes, when the book is divided into ‘episodes’ and I feel like I am reading the introduction.
When Shadows Fall by Bruce Blake hooked me in the beginning, but I think most of the book laid the groundwork for the future books and it took a while for the pieces to begin to fall into place. I have become invested in the characters and wonder what will become of them. What dangers and perils will they need to survive, in order to fulfill the scrolls destiny. And I wonder, who’s destiny is it? With all these questions, I must know the answers.
Oh man, it’s just getting good and I can feel the end approaching.I read along, rating the book in my head. I do that sometimes. It was a three for most of the novel and I had to keep it there, but those darn cliffhangers, and, yes, there is more than one, have me saying, “Where is the next book?”
I anticipate the story getting better and I will find out, in Book II.
I received this ARC in return for an honest review.

3 Stars
A hundred hundred seasons have turned since the Goddess banished the Small Gods to the sky, leaving the land to mankind alone..
For Prince Teryk, life behind the castle walls is boring and uneventful until he stumbles upon an arcane scroll in a long-forgotten chamber. The parchment speaks of Small Gods, the fall of man, and the kingdom’s savior—the firstborn child of the rightful king. It’s his opportunity to prove himself to his father, the king, and assure his place in history. All he needs to do is find the man from across the sea—a man who can’t possibly exist—and save mankind.
But ancient magic has been put in motion by a mysterious cult determined to see the Small Gods reborn. Powerful forces clash, uncaring for the lives of mortals in their struggle to prevent the return of the banished ones, or aid in their rebirth.
Named in a prophecy or not, what chance does a cocky prince who barely understands the task laid before him stand in a battle with the gods?
Do you have a favorite God or Goddess?
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