Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.
Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page.
•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
To get a copy of your own, simply click on the cover.
Where’s Lolly? by Stephen Henning
I love this cover. It speaks to me of adventure and the unknown.
If you are wondering Where’s Lolly, you can get it for FREE on Amazon on January 15, Wednesday, and Thursday, January 16.
Teaser #1
“Maybe you thought I was a nice girl at first. Sweet and innocent? The girl next door?”
Teaser #2
“Believe me, if I lived next door to you, you’d move.”
Where’s Lolly? A Class Heroes Novella. Class Heroes book 3.Lolly Rosewood is 16 years old and she is on the run. She has arrived in London, penniless, alone and – worse still – she has lost her fearsome superpowers.She is being hunted by the police and the Security Service, MI5. She has no friends and very few people who would want to help her.Lolly needs money and a place to lie low, while she formulates a plan to rescue Sir Michael Rosewood, her father, who is being held prisoner by the British Government at a secret location.There is one person who may just agree to help Lolly. An old friend of her father. However, time is running out because the Security Service are hot on her trail…
Note For Parents: This book is suitable for readers age 14 +. It contains adult themes. There is some non-gratuitous sexual content.
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LOL! Could see the response coming! I love the cover art for these books. Definitely going on my wish list and TBR!
Was getting ready to head out the door to work and saw your email. Remembered you mentioning featuring this series this week, so had to pause and come by:)
Thanks Laura. I love all the covers and this one is a fantastic surprise. So different from the others and as I read the book I see why.
I love the teasers..LOL and you are right the cover is unique and interesting.
Thanks Kimba, I do love that cover.
So, I’m still reading The Rosie Project. (I’ve been busy and only able to read a little each night before I go to bed!) It’s getting funnier and funnier by the page and I’m loving it. Got hooked last night and read way past my bedtime!!
Here is my teaser: (one long one!)
I moved to the kitchen to begin dinner preparation and Rosie followed me, stopping to look at my whiteboard schedule.
“Wow,” she said, again. This reaction was becoming predictable. I wondered what her response to DNA or evolution would be.
This book is a riot!
I must check it out! By taking your time reading it, you can savor the goodness. ^_^ Thanks for sharing Taylor.
I love that Gherkin building in London that’s on the cover.
That’s cool that you know the building. I love the cover.
LOL! Love the teaser
My TT: http://thefictionenthusiast.blogspot.com/2014/01/teaser-tuesday-january-14th.html
When you meet Lolly, you will find it is an apt description. lol
Sounds like a good story. The cover is so creative — I’ve never seen one like it.
My Teaser is from THINGS WE SET ON FIRE.
I feel it is very unique also. Thanks for stopping in and I’m on my way to check out your teaser.
“If I lived next door, you’d move”? You pick perfect teasers!
Had me cracking up, so I thought it was pretty good. ^_^