The authors and cover designer kept it in the family for The Verona Exchange.
Cover: Erin Jaroslow
The Verona Exchange is the second book in a Rainee Allen mystery series.The Golden Peacock, Book I took place in London. The Verona Exchange takes place in Italy and in Book III, Prague will be our destination.
The book opens with Rainee working on her mystery novel and she receives a call from her long lost son, Joshua. She had given him up for adoption twenty three years ago and he would like to meet her. She agrees without blinking an eye and it’s off to Italy.
I know something bad is coming and I feel a sense of impending danger, menace, apprehension, wondering when and who. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be alone and in trouble in a foreign country. It would be hard to communicate if you don’t speak the language. How long would it be before you are missed? How much damage could you suffer before anyone is even looking for you?
Tick tock, the clock is ticking and time is running out.
The betrayal runs deeper than Rainee and Joshua could imagine, but I saw it coming. Something about the way Lauren Grossman and Bernard Jaroslow wrote that I could see that writing on the wall.
Rainee has great instincts and it’s a good thing she follows them. Joshua shows his maturity and bravery, when the time comes…though there is one part where he could have used some urgency instead of….well, you will have to read the book to find out. There are plenty of bad guys and plenty of good guys. Sometimes your enemy can be your friend and ally.
There is plenty of action while running through Italy, being the pursued and the pursuer, just depends on the moment.
I debated on my rating, between a 3 or a 4. The Verona Exchange was too predictable and I like to be tested. The danger had a sense of urgency, and, yeah, there was some violence, but I love it wicked evil, unable to stop reading. I enjoyed the book, but it didn’t take me to another place. It could be because I just finished reading a couple mind blowing books and I was on the road. Even as I write this review I’m debating and I usually know pretty quickly into the book. Okay, a 4 it is. NOW, if you choose to read it, I would love to know what you think.
This brother and sister duo did a collaboration, Lauren B Grossman writing Rainee’s POV and Bernard Jaroslow writing Joshua’s POV, all while sharing their work to smooth over any rough patches. An interview at the end of the book shares their thoughts on the collaboration.
I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of The Verona Exchange by Lauren B Grossman and Bernard Jaroslow.
4 Stars
Happily married and living in London, a surprise phone call sets author Rainee Allen on an unexpected journey.
Joshua, the son she never got to know, will be in Italy and wants to meet her. However, her excitement is short-lived when a terrorist group intervenes and kidnaps him.
With only her intuition to guide her, Rainee Allen finds herself embroiled in a multi-city search that has Italy’s infamous Red Brigade, Interpol, and Rome’s police brought together in a cat-and-mouse game putting her in dire circumstances.
The hunt ends up at a festival outside Verona, where the exchange turns out to be complicated beyond her imagination.
Rainee Allen, an adventurous author with a penchant for research and action is no stranger to suspense and intrigue. This time it is personal and she’s in it for blood.
Award-winning author Lauren B. Grossman and Bernard Jaroslow collaborated on this new Rainee Allen mystery.
An official bio (from Lauren’s website)
Award-winning author Lauren B. Grossman is originally from Massachusetts but now resides in Southern Arizona with her husband, two children, two dogs, and a desert tortoise.
Lauren earned a degree in theatre and has performed in, designed sets, directed and produced numerous productions.
She co-founded, co-published, and co-edited a performing arts newspaper. Because of the success of that newspaper, she and her co-publisher created a weekly radio talk show. She has had articles published and has earned awards for her short stories.
An unofficial bio:
I am a wife/mother/business manager/writer/poet/artist/past vice-president on a non-profit organization board/past actress/past producer/past set designer/and past publisher (I tend to live in the past).
I enjoy my family. I live vicariously through my children, now in their twenties. I love reading, writing, and horseback riding (though not at the same time). I love the challenge of a NY Times Sunday crossword puzzle and have set a personal best of finishing the puzzle 5 times in my life. I am often found playing Sudoku in my spare times, so I can keep my brain alert (or rather, what is left of my brain alert).
All the holidays I’ve taken are in places where lots of British tourists go and English is widely spoken just in case trouble does occur! I tried learning languages when I was younger but always struggled with it!
I tried to learn French at one time and gave up. I have some Spanish tapes, but haven’t listened to them in a long time. Just don’t have the knack others seem to have.
Yep, definitely the kind of book for you, Sherry:)
You know it. I get to travel and there is a mystery to be solved. Can’t ask for much more than that.